U.S. Navy Rents Vieques Out For
Foreign Bombing for $80 million a Year
Vieques Libre - http://www.viequeslibre.org
Navy Web Page abbreviated
We invite you to access the following site:
This bomb, in the middle of the road is about one foot (30 cm) long. Many of
the other things you can see in the floor are bomb fragments and pieces of metal.
for direct quotes from the (now unaccessible) Navy Website (www.netspr.navy.mil) advertising for domestic and foreign customers to bomb, strafe, torpedo, launch missiles or try out new experimental weapons or whatever at Vieques on a shooting gallery rental basis.
The site includes the salient points quoted in The Vieques Times after the bombing death of civilian David Sanes on April 19, 1999.
The original used more than 20 pages headlighted by a blinking marquee billing "ONE STOP SHOPPING"!