This edition is devoted to the people of Vieques, the people
who lost their lives or who lost a loved one in the World Trade Center and Pentagon
on September 11, 2001, the Afghani people, and the
people who practice Islam because these are the people who are the victims
of genocide. These tragedies should never have happened. The United States
violated the treaty that would have prevented the bombing of Vieques, a
tiny island nine miles off the coast of the main island of Puerto Rico.
Vieques is a microcosm of the larger world as it has been subjected to bombing
exercises by the U.S. Navy since 1941 with the exception of an approximate
one year period at which time protesters camped out at all the military posts
on the island which prevented the bombing exercises from taking place at
that time.
David Sanes Rodriguez, 36, a Puerto Rican gentleman was killed by an errant
bomb on April 19, 1999 which also injured four other human beings as well.
Protesters, therefore, began a protest because of their rage and indignation
which had been tried so many times in the past and successfully managed to
forestall the bombing. Unfortunately, protests don't succeed forever.
The bombing resumed and continues to this day despite major intervention by
such notables as Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. who supports the Viequenses'
In the first edition of True Democracy (La verdad sobre la democracia)
, I began a worldwide boycott of the United States for many reasons including
the bombing of Vieques. Unfortunately, it has not had its intended result
at this writing mainly due to the fact that the public schools have not participated
in my boycott. Had they sent the page on which the demand states, "Stop
the wars, bombings, and genocide around the world" those bombings would
have stopped and we would have begun to heal the horror of depleted uranium
which is pervasive on the tiny island of Vieques also known as La Isla Nina.
Then, on September 11, 2001 what I had foretold of so many years ago happened
because the public schools by and large didn't care.
The irony is, however, that it is not Osama bin Laden's forces who perpetuated
this heinous crime; it is the same government which assassinated President
John F. Kennedy which did-my government which resides in Washington DC which
thereafter decried that Osama bin Laden's forces performed the evil deed
despite the fact that there is no evidence of any kind to prove it. This
was the cover-up of the 21st Century, or an act so wanton in its attempt to
cause another war, that it caused it. There is evidence too that the Israeli
government cooperated in the atrocity as you will read in these pages.
This cowardly act is another act of terrorism perpetuated by the same government
which has terrorized many nations around the world over the decades, the U.S.
All this would have been prevented if all the public schools had sent the
page which makes my historically accurate magazine unique-the Demand page-by
the tens of thousands of copies to the Speaker of the House because had they
done that my government would have known that it couldn't deceive the
people any longer and would have informed the Israeli government that it
couldn't join in the atrocities any longer as well.
Therefore, it is my contention that if the American public schools had sent
the Demand page no more terrorism would have been perpetuated because there
would be no reason for it to have occurred because if there is any chance
that Osama bin Laden's forces could carry this out, they would not have
done so because of demands being adhered to in that first edition which would
have ended the terrorism that Israel and America levied on the peoples involved
in the region, namely the Palestinian people and the Iraqi people. But they
did not send the Demand page because they like the status quo.
On the first Demand page there are eight demands which pertain directly to
schools in America so the uninitiated would assume that the public schools
were participating in this exercise to vastly improve the lives of the children
who attend these schools as well as their families. However, this is not the
reality as only six superintendents desired to join with people the world
over to cause peace to begin worldwide.
Those superintendents care about the children in whose care they are placed
and should be honored for their courage. For those of you who don't realize
about the endeavor which I undertook, allow me to share with you that in
1999 I sent a snail mail letter to every single Commissioner of Education
and every single District Superintendent as well in my determination to completely
improve the education system that we have in the United States for the children
and their guardians. I snail mailed approximately 20,000 letters
to the District Superintendents alone.
I felt in my heart that they would be happy to know the true history of
their nation just as I was to learn it. Six were happy I surmise as these
were the ones who either subscribed or wanted to subscribe. They include Ron
Windham, Melrose Municipal Schools, New Mexico, Mike Newman, North Andrew
School District, Rosendale, Missouri, Wilfred D. Volesky, Beulah School District,
North Dakota, Jon Jenson, Greenlee County School District, Arizona, and William
Kreinbrink, Miller City-New Cleveland School District, Ohio, with Catherine
Ciarlo in Rhode Island desirous of subscribing but unable to financially afford
to do so. Therefore, I gave her True Democracy for three years for
free as I tried to do for the remainder.
Therefore, since these superintendents didn't accept my gift because
they clearly like the status quo, here are the names and contact information
so you can contact them and tell them how you feel. Bear in mind that tiny
school districts would have been given True Democracy at no charge
for as long as I am the publisher but that I didn't have the financial
resources to notify them that it would only be on my Web site because I
spent so much money sending snail mail letters to them that the money dwindled
down to such a level that I felt that I could not afford to contact them
by telephone as they don't seem to have the internet which prevented
my contacting them in that form of communication.
I vividly recall the gratitude of several of them when I contacted them
initially in 1999 because they appeared genuinely grateful to know that they
would be given a gift of accurate history of the nation in which they live
so don't be angry with them. They have less than 200 students in them
and are scattered all over America, many of which seem to be in California.
The schools which make me livid with rage are headed by the following bureaucrats
who don't want anything to change which caused the World Trade Center
and Pentagon to be accosted and another deceit to be levied on the American
people enabling the poorest nation on earth to be attacked systematically
causing genocide, Afghanistan:
- Dr. Max McGee, Superintendent, Illinois
Ignored my letter; Contact:
- Dr. Terry Bergeson, State Superintendent, Washington state
Argumentative staff and ignored by Dr. Bergeson;
Contact: or
- Dr. Steven O. Laing, State Superintendent of Public Instruction
ignored and Univ. of Utah placed Spam block on my Email address
Contact: Bill Roper
- DON BEATTY, Principal, Creekside Elementary School
275 W Mutton Hollow Rd.
Kaysville, Utah 84037
(801) 402-3650 wrote: "I am not interested in this project or in your website. Please
do not send me additional emails. Thank you.
- MONA BENNINGTON, Librarian at Fremont Elementary School
2525 N 160 W
Sunset, Utah 84015
(801) 774-7406 at
Please take me off your e-mail list immediately. I don't know how
you got my name, but I don't want to be contacted by you at any
time. Thank you. MBennington
Forwarded by: "EMILY JORGENSON" Librarian>
Forwarded to: "LORNA FRANKE" Principal<>
Date forwarded: Mon, 4 Dec 2000 13:58:59 MDT
Date sent: Mon, 04
Dec 2000 11:57:43 -0500
Subject: Good
News for you and your school
From: Arlene
Johnson <
To: <>
This message makes me feel uncomfortable. I would discourage
your getting tied up [affiliated] with this group.
Lorna [advice the principal gave to the librarian.]
- CATHERINE PERRYMAN, Principal or Director depending upon which Web site
one looks at of
Woodrow Wilson Elementary School
2825 S 200 E, Salt
Lake City, Utah 84115-3603
Telephone: (801) 481-7200 Fax (801) 481-7202 at
Dear Madam, You obviously do have a list and I wish my school removed
from it. You are in no position to tell me whether I care about my
students or not. I am offended that you can make this accusation when
you do not know me or my peers. Catherine M. Perryman
Editor's note: I didn't have a list then because I very tediously obtained
their contact information from their Web sites even having to examine each
name to determine who the principal was in some cases because the Web site
didn't indicate. Moreover, I didn't make any accusation.
- Dr. Darrell K. White, District Superintendent of Davis district which includes
Salt Lake City, Utah ignored both letters I sent him. He is located at
45 E. State Street,
Farmington, UT 84025 USA
Telephone: (801) 444-5258 direct
line Fax (801) 444-5249.
Email addresses include: Paul Waite Dir/Sec;
Asst. Superintendent or Nancy Fleming, Asst. Superintendent Dr. White has no Email address.
Editor's note: I have all the Email messages that I sent to these people
if anyone wants to see them.]
- Robert P. Connelly, Assistant Superintendent Learning and Teaching Gig Harbor, Washington state
Patronized me allowing me to come to a committee meeting on May 22, 2001 in which there were teachers present and then did nothing to impliment our goals.
- Mrs. MacGregor, Principal, Evergreen Elementary School, Washington state
Was pleasant when I first met her but told me to "remove" her from my "list" which didn't exist. She referred me to the District office where I ultimately met Mr. Connelly.
- Mr. J. Duke Albanese, Commissioner, Maine
Ignored my correspondence; Contact:
- Jeannette Condon, District Superintendent in Maine;
Told me to remove her from my list despite the fact she was told her taxes
were causing people to die;
- Mr. Brad Bailey, District Superintendent in California
Told me to remove him from my list twice;
- Dr. Susan Zelman, Superintendent, Ohio
Ignored my correspondence;
- Mr. Michael Hartmann, Commissioner, Missouri
Ignored my initial correspondence; did reply with telephone number which
is (573) 751-4446 after last communication
Contact: or
- Mr. Richard Mills, Commissioner, New York
Replied and told me I had to contact the schools on my own; wouldn't
endorse True Democracy;
- Dr. Sandy Garrett, Superintendent, Oklahoma
Ignored my correspondence;
- Mr. Stan Bunn, Superintendent, Oregon
Ignored my correspondence; Contact:
- Mrs. Elizabeth Burmaster, Wisconsin
Newly elected and therefore, not accountable for what her predecessor's
actions were so don't condemn her but be firm with her or she could
fail to perform as we wish.
- Dr. Doug Christensen, Commissioner of Education, Nebraska
Ignored my correspondence; Contact:
- Faye Taylor, Commissioner, Tennessee appointed June, 2001; held post
of curriculum and instruction, so she could have had some influence on making
the decision to teach accurate history.
- Shirley Holloway, Education Commissioner, Alaska
Ignored my correspondence;
- Lisa Graham Keegan, Superintendent, Arizona
Ignored my correspondence;
- Raymond Simon, Director, Arkansas
Ignored my correspondence;
Contact: or
- Ms. Kerry Mazzoni, Secretary of Education, California
Ignored my Email message; Contact:
- William J. Moloney, Commissioner, Colorado
Ignored my correspondence;
Contact: or
- Mrs. Valerie Woodruff, Delaware
Ignored my correspondence;
Contact: or
- Mrs. Linda C. Schrenko, State Supt. of Schools, Georgia
Ignored my correspondence;
Contact: or
- Patricia Hamamoto, Acting Superintendent, Hawaii, appointed October
18, 2001 but was deputy superintendent from February, 1999. Should be cognizant
of the situation. Contact:
- Dr. Suellen Reed, State Supt of Public Instruction , Indiana
Ignored my correspondence; Contact:
- Dr. Ted Stillwell, Director Department of Education, Iowa
Ignored my correspondence;
Contact: or
- Cecil J. Picard, State Superintendent of Education. Louisiana
Ignored my correspondence;
Contact: or
- Dr. Nancy S. Gransmick, State Superintendent of Schools, Maryland
Ignored my correspondence; Contact:
- David P. Driscoll, Commissioner of Education, Massachusetts
Ignored my letters;
She told me to remove her from my list;
- Thomas Watkins, Jr. Superintendent of Public Instruction, Michigan began
his tenure on April 30, 2001. There's no record for him so it is not
able to be determined if he could be responsible or not but advise him to
do what we want; the children will benefit as a result; Contact:
- Dr. Ronald L. Thompson, State Superintendent of Education, Mississippi
Ignored my correspondence;
- Linda McColloch, Superintendent, Montana
Ignored my Email message;
- Dr. Wayne Sanstead, Superintendent of Public Instruction, North Dakota
Ignored my correspondence;
- Jack W. McLaughlin, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Nevada
Ignored my correspondence;
- Dr. Nicholas C. Donahue, Commissioner, New Hampshire
It's unclear when he became the Commissioner so we cannot be too angry
with him but we have to make him understand what we want;
- Dr. Christine Jax, Commissioner of Children, Minnesota
Ignored my correspondence;
Contact: or
- Dr. Mike Ward, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, North Carolina
Ignored my correspondence;
- Eugene Hickok, Secretary of Education, Pennsylvania
Ignored my correspondence;
- Peter McWalters, Commissioner of Education, Rhode Island
Ignored my correspondence;
- Inez Tenebaum, State Superintendent of Education, South Carolina
Ignored my correspondence;
- Jim Nelson, Commissioner of Education, Texas
Ignored my Email message;
- David S. Wolk, Commissioner of Education, Vermont
Ignored my correspondence;
- Jo Lynne DeMary, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Virginia
Ignored my Email message;
- Dr. David Stewart, State Superintendent of Schools, West Virginia
Ignored my Email message;
- Judith Catchpole, State Superintendent of Schools, Wyoming
Ignored my correspondence;
- Dr. Ed Richardson, State Superintendent of Education, Alabama
Ignored my correspondence;
No Email available; Telephone: (334) 242-9700
- Bradley Byrne, Alabama State Board of Education Member
- David Byers, Alabama State Board of Education Member
- Dr. Mary Jane Caylor, Alabama State Board of Edu. Member
- Jim Horne, Office of the Secretary, Florida
Ignored my correspondence;
- Paul Vance, Superintendent, Washington DC
Ignored my correspondence;
- Theodore Sergi, Commissioner, Connecticut
Ignored my correspondence;
- Dr. Marilyn Howard, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Idaho
my correspondence;
- Dr. Andy Tomkins, Commissioner, Kansas
Ignored my correspondence;
- Michael Davis, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, New Mexico
Ignored my correspondence;
- Gerald Dragoo, District Superintendent, California
Told me to remove him from my list;
- Mr. David Hesbe, Commissioner of Education, New Jersey
Ignored my correspondence;
Never provided Email Address. Fax: (609)777-4099
- Gene Wilhoit, Commissioner of Education, Kentucky
Told me that they had not been participating in my boycott; they were honest
in other words and did respond.
- Ray Christensen, Secretary, South Dakota
Ignored my correspondence; his secretary did communicate.
If you care about the planet or the people, force these people to comply
because there are forces amongst us who will destroy everything that is beautiful
and sacrifice life too because of their avarice. They are doing it now! Don't
allow that to happen any longer . To ignore a problem doesn't make it
disappear; it only makes it worse.
I have communicated several times with these people whose Email addresses
you read except for Mrs. Burmaster who as I stated is so new that she didn't
receive any of my original correspondence.
People have shared the reality about the public schools with me; I so appreciate
their comments but I have never accepted the fact that the schools are institutions
which lead children into prison or off to war but that is precisely
what they are doing now and using American's taxes to do so because
the response I have received from those who were more savvy than I was before
was that "the schools brainwash the children, teach them disinformation,
and don't want to admit that the government lies."
It's no wonder that most adults in the United States can't think
for themselves and were completely deceived again as so many have been deceived
in the past because this act on September 11, 2001 was so transparent that
it was clear to many of us that it was not perpetuated by the man who is the
scapegoat now.
There is no excuse any more because accurate history is available now. It's
entitled True Democracy (La verdad sobre la democracia) in honor of
Argentina, the only nation to my knowledge that published the first cover-up
of the modern era.
Because I knew what my government was capable of doing in 1993, instantly
knew that it was capable of the heinous crime committed on September 11, 2001
and related it to my seat mates on the plane in which I flew on September
11, 2001 because history repeats if it is not learned. It isn't learned
in America because it isn't taught to children or adults.
If these authorities don't carry out what you want vote them out when
they run next time or vote out the governor who appointed them. Some are elected
by the people and some are appointed by the governor.
Americans ask, "Why do they hate us so much?" Allow me to tell
you why. The reality is that people who live in foreign lands don't
hate the American people; they hate our government because it uses American's
tax dollars to commit atrocities which include torture and genocide.
Foreigners tend to dislike Americans because they feel that we should be
more aware of what our government is doing. I have always defended the American
people because how can the people know what their government is doing if
is not in the American press. Now, however, it is in my press, so there
is no excuse any more.
This is the last free edition of my unique empowering magazine. It has been
free to the entire world for an entire year because I was and am determined
to cause the beginning of world peace and other positive goals. I wasn't
trying to rook people in to the first four editions of my magazine, later
to charge an exorbitant amount to satisfy some mercenary goal on my part
to get rich. I am already rich, just not financially. I am rich with knowledge
and appreciation by the people of the entire world who have read my work
because it is true and it empowers them. Moreover, boycotts require a lot
of people to succeed; this boycott must succeed; that's why I gave my
unique magazine to everyone for free so people could read it who could not
afford to pay sacrificing my welfare in the process as I am not rich as the
elite are.