Arlene's Election Endorsements

Democrats.com, the Aggressive Progressives
Charles Schlund on Ralph Nader
Charles Schlund on the President of the United States
Congressional Second Amendment Leader Under Massive Attack
Congressman refuses to probe terrorist cell in his district
Democrats.com, the Aggressive Progressives - 500,000 strong and growing!
No More Betrayals: Let's Replace the Bush Democrats
On Thursday and Friday, the American people were betrayed twice by House "Democratic" Leader Steny Hoyer (right) and his Bush Democrats.
On Thursday, 80 Bush Democrats voted to give George Bush another $163 billion to occupy Iraq and plunder its oil for another year, even though 68% of Americans want to bring our troops safely home this year.
And on Friday, 105 Bush Democrats voted to give immunity to George Bush and the telecoms for illegally wiretapping American citizens even before 9/11, and to allow Bush and the telecoms to keep doing it - thereby shredding the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution.
We're mad as hell, and we're not gonna take it any more. So let's take the Democratic Party back from Steny Hoyer and the Bush Democrats.
With your support, we will replace each one with an "Aggressive Progressive" Democrat who will bring our troops home from Iraq and fulfill their solemn oaths to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic."
And we're starting today with John Barrow (GA12), who betrayed us on both votes. Watch Barrow pledge his complete devotion to George Bush during Friday's warrantless wiretapping debate.
Georgia's primaries are on July 15 - just 3 weeks away. And Barrow is facing a dramatic primary challenge from State Senator Regina Thomas.
Thomas doesn't just look different, she thinks different. She wants to bring our troops safely home from Iraq immediately. And here's what she told me on Friday:
"I was really appalled at the actions of Congress and especially my Congressman from the 12th District in Georgia, John Barrow, for voting in favor of the Bush-Republican surveillance bill that would make it very easy, without a warrant, to wiretap any American citizen."
On Friday, Regina Thomas became our first endorsed candidate of 2008. And that was not just because she's an "Aggressive Progressive," but also because she can win.
In Georgia's Democratic Presidential primary on February 5, 70% of the voters in GA12 were African-American. Thomas isn't running on her race, though, but rather her record of accomplishment over 12 years in the state legislature. This has Barrow running for his political life by avoiding every chance to debate Thomas because he simply cannot compete with a real Democrat.
In a few hours, our endorsement raised over $1,176 from 31 donors. Today we'd like to raise $10,000 by encouraging 1,000 of our 500,000 subscribers to contribute $10 each directly to Regina Thomas's campaign.
Can you help?
In 2005-6, we raised nearly $80,000 for pro-impeachment House candidates through ImpeachPAC (and helped elect Keith Ellison in MN05), so I know what we're capable of.
Let's send a message to Steny Hoyer and his Bush Democrats: that the Democratic Party belongs to us, not to George Bush. And starting today we're taking it back.
Thanks for all you do!
Bob Fertik
___________________ Sponsored message
Last year, Rep. Robert Wexler (D-FL) launched WexlerWantsHearings.com to persuade Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Judiciary Chairman John Conyers to hold hearings on Rep. Dennis Kucinich's 3 Articles of Impeachment against Dick Cheney.
Last week, Rep. Wexler was the first Democrat to co-sponsor Dennis Kucinich's 35 Articles of Impeachment against George Bush (see below).
Now it's our turn to support a Democratic hero by pre-ordering Congressman Robert's Wexler's new book Fire-Breathing Liberal. Last week, Democrats.com members pushed Fire-Breathing Liberal right to the top of Amazon best-seller list. Let's do it again and show Washington that Robert Wexler speaks for us!
Kucinich's 35 Articles of Impeachment - 5 Co-Sponsors and Growing...
On June 9, Rep. Dennis Kucinich made history on the floor of the House by reading 35 Articles of Impeachment against President George W. Bush, now H.Res. 1258.
In just six days, over 25,000 of you emailed your Representatives to co-sponsor the 35 Articles:
The first three co-sponsors were Robert Wexler (FL19), Lynn Woolsey (CA06), and Barbara Lee (CA09). On Thursday, they were joined by Tammy Baldwin (WI02) and Maurice Hinchey (NY22).
The charges presented by Rep. Kucinich are so serious that every Member of Congress should demand Judiciary Committee hearings by becoming a co-sponsor.
Here's what you can do to persuade your Representative:
Friday, June 13, 2008
Over the past 17 months you and I delivered a message of freedom, the likes of which American politics has not seen in decades. With the primary season now over, the presidential campaign has come to an end. But the Revolution has only begun.
Today I am happy to announce the official launch of the Ron Paul Campaign for Liberty. Please visit our new website and join us: http://www.campaignforliberty.com
Over the next few months I will be developing a program, assembling a team, and announcing new and exciting projects. We will have a permanent presence on the American political landscape. That I promise you.
Right now, I need your patience and support. I want the Campaign for Liberty to be a grassroots campaign; so your energy, your creativity, your feedback, and your participation are essential.
Together, we will educate our fellow Americans in freedom, sound money, non-interventionism, and free markets. We will write commentaries and broadcast videos on the news of the day. And I'll work with friends whom I respect to design materials for homeschoolers.
Politically, we will expand the great work of our precinct leader program. We will make our presence felt at every level of government. We will keep an eye on Congress, and lobby against legislation that threatens us. And we will identify and support candidates who champion our great ideas.
"In the final analysis," I wrote in my new book The Revolution: A Manifesto, "the last line of defense in support of freedom and the Constitution consists of the people themselves. If the people want to be free, if they want to lift themselves out from underneath a state apparatus that threatens their liberties, squanders their resources on needless wars, destroys the value of their dollar, and spews forth endless propaganda about how indispensable it is and how lost we would all be without it, there is no force that can stop them."
Our time has come to act on these words.
May future generations look back on our work and say that these were men and women who, in a moment of great crisis, stood up to their politicians, the opinion-makers, and the establishment, and saved their country.
For liberty,
P.S. Please join me. Go to our website, www.campaignforliberty.com, and become a member of the Campaign for Liberty. Our goal is 100,000 members by September. Can we reach it?
Paid for by the Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign Committee
AS PUBLISHER OF THE JOURNAL OF HISTORY (La verdad sobre la democracia), I FORMALLY ENDORSE DR. RON PAUL, M.D. FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IN 2008. CONGRESSMAN RON PAUL IS TRUTHFUL U.S. Congressman Ron Paul, M.D. House of Representatives 203 Cannon Office Building Washington D.C. 20515
The other day, I made a huge "gaffe" on national TV: I told the truth about the crimes of the U.S. Government. As you can imagine, the ceiling fell in, and a couple of walls too. Congressmen are supposed to support the government, I was told. Oh, it's okay to criticize around edges, but there are certain subjects a member of the House of Representatives is not supposed to bring up. But I touched the real "third rail" of American politics, and the sparks sure flew. I was interviewed on C-SPAN's morning "Washington Journal," and I used the opportunity, as I do all such media appearances, to point out how many of our liberties have been stolen by the federal government. We must take them back. The Constitution, after all, has a very limited role for Washington, D.C.
If we stuck to the Constitution as written, we would have:
no federal meddling in our schools
no Federal Reserve
no U. S. membership in the U.N.
no gun control
no foreign aid
no welfare for big corporations, or the "poor,"
no American troops in 100 foreign countries
no NAFTA, GATT, or "fast-track,"
no arrogant federal judges usurping states rights
no attacks on private property;
no income tax.
We can get rid of most of the cabinet departments, most of the agencies, and most of the budget. The government would be small, frugal, and limited. That system is called Liberty. It's what the Founding Fathers gave us. Under liberty, we built the greatest, freest, most prosperous, most decent country on earth. It's no coincidence that the monstrous growth of the federal government has been accompanied by a sickening decline in living standards and moral standards.
The feds want us to be hamsters on a tread mill working hard, all day long, to pay high taxes, but otherwise entirely docile and controlled. The huge, expensive, and out-of control leviathan that we call the federal government wants to run every single aspect of our lives. Well, I'm sorry, but that's not America. It's not what the Founders gave us. It's not the country you believe in. It's not the country I believe in. So, on that TV interview, I emphasized not only the attacks on our property, but also the decline of our civil liberties, at the hands of the federal police. There's not supposed to be any federal police, according to the Constitution.
Then I really went over the line. I talked about the Waco massacre. Bill Clinton and Janet Reno claimed those 81 church members including 19 children, burned down their own Church, killed themselves, and good riddance. So they put a few survivors on trial, and threw them in prison for 40 years. We're not supposed to remember that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms--talk about an unconstitutional agency--rather than arrest David Koresh on his regular morning jog, called in the TV stations for a big publicity bonanza, and sent a swat team in black masks and black uniforms to break down his front door, guns blazing. They also sent in a helicopter gun ship, to shoot the roof of a church full of innocents. The Branch Davidians resisted, and after a heartless siege of almost two months, and after cutting off food, water, electricity, and playing horrible rock and roll through huge speakers 24 hours a day, the Feds sent in tanks to crush the walls of the church, and inject poisonous CS gas.
Now, CS gas is banned under the Paris Convention on Chemical Warfare. The U.S. could not use it in war. But it could and did use it against American civilians. After the tanks did their work on the church, the place burst into flames, and all 81 people--men, women, children, and babies--were incinerated in a screaming horror. Did some feds set the fire? Did the flammable CS gas ignite, since without electricity, the parishioners were using lanterns? Did a tank knock over a lantern, striking one of the bales of hay being used against the thin, walls as a defense against bullets? Or did the Davidians, as Clinton and Reno claim, kill themselves?
A new documentary- -Waco: Rules of Engagement--may show, throughout FLIR infrared photography, FBI snipers killing the Davidians by shooting through the back of the church, where no media cameras were allowed. This film won a prize at the Sundance Film Festival. It was made by people who took government's side, until they investigated. Whatever the truth, there's no question that an irresponsible federal government has innocent blood on its hands, and not only from Waco. And the refusal of corrupt perverse liberals to admit it means nothing.
In my interview, in answer to a caller's question, I pointed out that Waco, in the federal murders at Ruby Ridge'--especially the FBI snipers shot that blast apart the head of the young mother holding her baby caused many Americans to live in fear of federal power. Then uttered the sentiment that caused the media hysteria: I said that a lot of Americans fear that they, too, might be attacked by federal swat teams for exercising their constitutional rights, or merely for wanting to be left alone. Whoa! You've never seen anything like it. For days, in an all-out assault, I was attacked by Democrats, unions, big business, establishment Republicans, and of course the media, in Washington in my home state of Texas. Newspapers foamed at the mouth, calling me a "right-wing extremist." (Isn't that what King George III called Thomas Jefferson?)
I was even blamed for the Oklahoma City bombing! And by the way, I don't believe we've gotten the full truth on that either. All my many opponents were outraged that a congressman would criticize big government. "If you don't like Washington, resign!" said a typical big-city newspaper editorial. But the media, as usual, were all wet. (Do they ever get anything right?)
The average Congressman may go to Washington to wallow in power, and line his pockets with a big lobbying job for a special interest (so he can just keep ripping-off the taxpayers). But that's not why I'm in Congress. It's not why I left my medical practice as a physician. It's not why I put up with all of the abuse. It's not why I refuse a plush Congressional pension. I'm in this fight for a reason. I want to hand on to my children and grandchildren, and to you in your family, a great and free America, an America true to her Constitution, an America worthy of her history. I'll not let the crooks and clowns and criminals have their way. I'm in Congress to represent the ideas of Liberty, the ideas that you and I share, for the people of my district, for the people of Texas, for the people of America. That's why I'm working to stop federal abuses, and to cut the government: its taxes, its bureaucrats, its paramilitary police, its spending, its meddling overseas, and every single unconstitutional action it takes. And not with a pair of nail scissors, but with a hammer and chisel. Won't you help me do this work?
Not much of the federal leviathan would be left, if I had my way. But you'd be able to keep the money you earn, your privacy would be secure, your dollar would be sound, your local school would be tops, and your kids wouldn't be sent off to some useless or vicious foreign war to fight for the United Nations.
But Jefferson and the other Founders would recognize our government, and our descendants would bless us. By the way, when I say cut taxes, I don't mean fiddle with the code. I mean abolish the income tax and the IRS, and .. Recently, I asked a famous Republican Committee Chairman--who's always talking about getting rid of the IRS--why he engineered a secret $580 million raise for the tax collectors. "They need it for their computers," this guy told me. So the IRS can't extract enough from us as it is! The National Taxpayers Unions says I have the highest pro-taxpayer rating in Congressional history, that I am the top "Taxpayer's Best Friend." You know I won't play the Capitol Hill games with the Capitol Hill gang, denouncing the IRS while giving the Gestapo more of your money. Or figuring out some other federal tax for them to squeeze out of you.
I also want to abolish the Federal Reserve Bank. The value of our dollar and the level of our interest rates are not supposed to be manipulated by a few members of the power elite meeting secretly in a marble palace. The Federal Reserve is unconstitutional, pure and simple. The only constitutional money is gold and silver, not notes redeemable in them. Not fed funny money. Without the Federal Reserve, our money could not be inflated at the behest of big government or big banks. Your income in savings would not lose their value. Just as important, we wouldn't have this endless string of booms and busts, recessions and depressions, with each bust getting worse. They aren't natural to the free market; they're caused by the schemers at the Fed. President Andrew Jackson called the 19th century's Fed " The Monster" because it was a vehicle for inflation and all sorts of special-interest corruption. Let me tell you, things haven't changed a bit.
I also work to save our schools from D.C. interference. Thanks to the feds, new curriculums not only smear the Founders as "racist, slave owning elitists," they seek to dumb down all our students so they will all be equal. "Look-say" reading and the abolition of phonics has the same purpose, and so does the new "fuzzy" math, in which there are no right and no wrong answers. That must be what they use in the U.S. Treasury! It's certainly what they use in the U.S. Congress.
But ever since the beginning of federal aid to education and accelerating with the establishment of the rotten Department of Education, SAT scores have been dropping. Schools, with few exceptions, are getting worse every year. To save our kids, we must get the sticky fingers of the feds off our local schools, and let parents rule. That's what the Constitution says, and the Bible too.
And then there's my least favorite topic, the U.N. World government is obviously unconstitutional. It undermines our country sovereignty in the worst way possible. That's why I want us out of the U.N., and the U.N. itself taking a hike. After all, the U.N. is socialist and corrupt (many votes can be bought with a "blond and a case of Scotch" one U.N. ambassador once said). It costs many billions, and it puts our soldiers in U.N. uniforms under foreign commanders, and sends them off to unconstitutional, undeclared wars. When Michael New, one of the finest young men I've ever met, objected to wearing U.N. blue, he was kicked out of the American Army. What an outrage! Not one dime for the U.N., and not one American soldier! Not Haiti, not in Bosnia, not in Somalia, not in Rwanda. I know it's radical, but how about devoting American military efforts to defending America, and only America? Such ideas, said one newspaper reporter, make me a maverick, who will never go far because he won't go along to get along. Darn right! What does "go far" mean? Get a big government job? To heck with that. And I won't sell my vote for pork either.
When I walked through the U.S. Capitol this morning, I got angry! . The building is filled with statues and paintings of Jefferson, Madison, and the other Founders. Those great men sacrificed everything to give us a free country, and a Constitution to keep it that way. When I was first elected, I placed my hand on the Bible and swore an oath to uphold the Constitution. That's exactly what I'm fighting for. Such ideas drive the liberals crazy. Join this fight for the Constitution, and stop those who want to rip it up, and throw it in the Potomac. Together, we can join the Founders fight. Together we can make this history.
Ron Paul
U.S. Congressman
203 Canon Office Building
Washington D.C. 20515
"The erosion of freedom rarely comes as an all-out frontal assault," warned Byrd, the dean of the Senate, to no avail. "Rather, it is a gradual, noxious creeping cloaked in secrecy and glossed over by reassurances of greater security."
How right Byrd was."This is one of the darkest days in America's history -"a vote that has changed our nation emphatically for the worse.
The Senate today (with very little news coverage) voted overwhelmingly, 89 - 10,"to renew the USA PATRIOT Act, after months of pitched debate between privacy rights and the government's power to "hunt down terrorists."
Bush wins. America loses. The House is expected to pass the legislation next week and send it to Bush, who would sign it before 16 provisions expire March 10, 2006.
Senator Russ Feingold insisted the"new civil rights "protections" to the 2001 antiterror law are strictly cosmetic." They would:
- Give recipients of court-approved subpoenas for information in terrorist investigations the right to challenge a requirement that they refrain from telling anyone.
- Eliminate a requirement that an individual provide the FBI with the name of a lawyer consulted about a National Security Letter, which is a demand for records issued by investigators.
- Clarify that most libraries are not subject to demands in those letters for information about suspected terrorists.
Feel better now? I hope not. Feingold is right. This is no "compromise" - it's a superficial fix to allow the highly unusual "permanent" status of this act.
The "no" votes came from Jim Jeffords, and Feingold, Byrd and seven other Senate Democrats: Daniel Akaka of Hawaii, Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico, Tom Harkin of Iowa, Patrick Leahy of Vermont, Carl Levin of Michigan, Patty Murray of Washington and Ron Wyden of Oregon.
I urge everyone reading this never to vote for the Senators who voted yes on this act, and, in doing so, have created a new America - one where free discussion like this may well be too dangerous to express in time. This trend to Amerifascism - is it irreversible?
Below is the roll call vote. How do you feel about your Senators vote, and the fact that the Patriot Act, a totalitarian's best friend,is now as good as permanent, after the House and Bush sign it?
Greg Dempsey - Yosemite, CA
Your Bush/Cheney Impeachment HQ
Vote on H.R. 3199 Conference Report;
USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005:
Senators voting "yea" - (These are the ones who should be voted out.)
Alexander (R-TN)
Allard (R-CO)
Allen (R-VA)
Baucus (D-MT)
Bayh (D-IN)
Bennett (R-UT)
Biden (D-DE)
Bond (R-MO)
Boxer (D-CA)
Brownback (R-KS)
Bunning (R-KY)
Burns (R-MT)
Burr (R-NC)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Carper (D-DE)
Chafee (R-RI)
Chambliss (R-GA)
Clinton (D-NY)
Coburn (R-OK)
Cochran (R-MS)
Coleman (R-MN)
Collins (R-ME)
Conrad (D-ND)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Craig (R-ID)
Crapo (R-ID)
Dayton (D-MN)
DeMint (R-SC)
DeWine (R-OH)
Dodd (D-CT)
Dole (R-NC)
Domenici (R-NM)
Dorgan (D-ND)
Durbin (D-IL)
Ensign (R-NV)
Enzi (R-WY)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Frist (R-TN)
Graham (R-SC)
Grassley (R-IA)
Gregg (R-NH)
Hagel (R-NE)
Hatch (R-UT)
Hutchison (R-TX)
Inhofe (R-OK)
Isakson (R-GA)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kennedy (D-MA)
Kerry (D-MA)
Kohl (D-WI)
Kyl (R-AZ)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Lautenberg (D-NJ)
Lieberman (D-CT)
Lincoln (D-AR)
Lott (R-MS)
Lugar (R-IN)
Martinez (R-FL)
McCain (R-AZ)
McConnell (R-KY)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Mikulski (D-MD)
Murkowski (R-AK)
Nelson (D-FL)
Nelson (D-NE)
Obama (D-IL)
Pryor (D-AR)
Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV)
Roberts (R-KS)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Salazar (D-CO)
Santorum (R-PA)
Sarbanes (D-MD)
Schumer (D-NY)
Sessions (R-AL)
Shelby (R-AL)
Smith (R-OR)
Snowe (R-ME)
Specter (R-PA)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Stevens (R-AK)
Sununu (R-NH)
Talent (R-MO)
Thomas (R-WY)
Thune (R-SD)
Vitter (R-LA)
Voinovich (R-OH)
Warner (R-VA)
Senators voting "nay" -
Akaka (D-HI)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Byrd (D-WV)
Feingold (D-WI)
Harkin (D-IA)
Jeffords (I-VT)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)
Murray (D-WA)
Wyden (D-OR)
Senator Inouye (D-HI) did not cast a vote.
Yesterday's cloture motion ended debate on the matter in an 89 - 14 vote. Results of that vote follow.
On the cloture motion:
Senators voting "yea" -
Akaka (D-HI)
Alexander (R-TN)
Allard (R-CO)
Allen (R-VA)
Baucus (D-MT)
Bayh (D-IN)
Bennett (R-UT)
Biden (D-DE)
Bond (R-MO)
Brownback (R-KS)
Bunning (R-KY)
Burns (R-MT)
Burr (R-NC)
Carper (D-DE)
Chafee (R-RI)
Chambliss (R-GA)
Clinton (D-NY)
Coburn (R-OK)
Cochran (R-MS)
Coleman (R-MN)
Collins (R-ME)
Conrad (D-ND)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Craig (R-ID)
Crapo (R-ID)
DeMint (R-SC)
DeWine (R-OH)
Dole (R-NC)
Domenici (R-NM)
Dorgan (D-ND)
Ensign (R-NV)
Enzi (R-WY)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Frist (R-TN)
Graham (R-SC)
Grassley (R-IA)
Gregg (R-NH)
Hagel (R-NE)
Hatch (R-UT)
Hutchison (R-TX)
Inhofe (R-OK)
Isakson (R-GA)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kennedy (D-MA)
Kerry (D-MA)
Kohl (D-WI)
Kyl (R-AZ)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Lautenberg (D-NJ)
Lieberman (D-CT)
Lincoln (D-AR)
Lott (R-MS)
Lugar (R-IN)
Martinez (R-FL)
McCain (R-AZ)
McConnell (R-KY)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Mikulski (D-MD)
Murkowski (R-AK)
Nelson (D-FL)
Nelson (D-NE)
Obama (D-IL)
Pryor (D-AR)
Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV)
Roberts (R-KS)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Salazar (D-CO)
Santorum (R-PA)
Schumer (D-NY)
Sessions (R-AL)
Shelby (R-AL)
Smith (R-OR)
Snowe (R-ME)
Specter (R-PA)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Stevens (R-AK)
Sununu (R-NH)
Talent (R-MO)
Thomas (R-WY)
Thune (R-SD)
Vitter (R-LA)
Voinovich (R-OH)
Warner (R-VA)
Senators voting "nay" -
Bingaman (D-NM)
Boxer (D-CA)
Byrd (D-WV)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Dayton (D-MN)
Dodd (D-CT)
Durbin (D-IL)
Feingold (D-WI)
Harkin (D-IA)
Jeffords (I-VT)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)
Murray (D-WA)
Sarbanes (D-MD)
Wyden (D-OR)
Senator Inouye (D-HI) did not cast a vote.
Charles Schlund on Ralph Nader
From: Charles Schlund
Sent: Nov 17, 2004 9:14 AM
In my current lawsuit against George W. Bush which still sites before the federal court I list about 30 names of CIA operatives and about 30 names of people that the CIA, Army, OSS, DEA, or other government agencies have assassinated.
The information is correct and truthful. Ralph Nader is still a CIA operative and was in the elections to fix the elections in favor of Bush. Also Ralph Nader ran his organizations to attack competing corporations while protecting the secret government corporations.
In the CIA files I had were the orders to Ralph Nader for the break up of AT&T to prepare it for what we have today. In the old days AT&T could not buy advertising like the new companies do because there was no one to advertise against. The break up allowed the hiding of the 100's of billions of dollar in profits and allowed the financing of TV stations, radio stations, newspapers, magazines, and others through advertising. This allowed the CIA to tax the people in their phone bills for these funds that were needed to finance these operations. It was kind of a secret tax.
When I had the Don Bolles files in 1977 a large file on GM was in the documents including the orders to Ralph Nader for the lawsuit against Corvair. GM did not want to produce the Corvair any longer because it gave people ideas that there were alternatives to the kinds of cars they were going to produce. GM 'the Rockefeller family' wanted all the cars the same with just the metal bent differently. GM could not remove such a popular car from sales so they had Ralph Nader do it for them. Everything was a stage show and nothing was real.
Charles Schlund on the President of the United States
TO AMERICAN VOTERS: These several portions of Charles Schlund's lawsuit pertain directly to either Ralph Nader or others who have, or will possibly, run for president of the United States of America in the future. To read all of the file from which this information came, click on the icon on this Web site which says Recommended Reading and look for Charles Schlund's Lawsuit. Thank you.
27. Further, Claimant Schlund alleges the following is a very short list of the files or names of some of the CIA or other agents involved in the overthrow of America. Some belonged to different groups or organizations that the CIA ran like the Aryan Brotherhood, Crypts, Bloods, Dirty Dozen, Masons, Italian Mob, Jewish Mob, Irish Mob, Mexican Mob and many other secret societies, drug cartels, political action committees, and many other kinds of organizations.
34. Claimant Schlund alleges the CIA runs candidates for third and fourth political parties to split the vote as needed to assure that their candidates are elected.
35. Further, Claimant Schlund alleges the CIA would use their TV stations, radio stations, newspapers, and magazines to attack any opposing candidates and to support their candidates. Claimant alleges they had all the CIA files on all the TV stations, radio stations, newspapers, magazines, and other organizations that they covertly owned, influenced, or controlled.
46. Some of the following information is how the Rockefeller family, Bush family and the CIA, DEA, and others planned on ensuring they would win in all future presidential elections.
47. George Bush Sr. and the CIA under the directions of Nelson and David Rockefeller had planned on using third and fourth parties to split the vote when it became necessary to do so to win the presidential elections of the United States. Starting in 1992, Claimant Schlund briefed the FBI on the CIA files of the people that would run these political parties for the CIA. Claimant Schlund briefed the FBI that he had read Ross Perot's CIA file and that Ross Perot worked for the Bush family and the CIA and was in the presidential election to split the vote. Claimant Schlund believes he stopped this and caused Ross Perot to drop out of the race by hand delivering a letter to the FBI in New Orleans, Louisiana. Claimant Schlund believes that the letter was dated June 24, 1992. Soon after, Ross Perot dropped out of the presidential race. Claimant Schlund believes that Ross Perot's paranoia then prevented him from fulfilling his job of splitting the vote and fixing the presidential election of the United States. This resulted in the people electing William Clinton to the presidency of the United States.
48. Claimant Schlund in 1992 briefed the FBI on Ralph Nader's CIA file and how Ralph Nader worked for the CIA and had broken up AT&T for the CIA. In the CIA files Claimant had AT&T was a publicly owned corporation controlled by the Rockefeller family and the CIA. The break-up of AT&T was done to hide the profits and to create new corporations that could advertise against each other to fund the CIA's and Rockefeller families TV stations, radio stations, magazines, newspapers, and other media businesses and corporations. Ralph Nader also runs the Consumer Advocacy and Information Group which was used to protect the Rockefeller empire while attacking competing unprotected corporations.
49. Claimant Schlund, in 1992, briefed the FBI that he also read the CIA file on Pat Buchanan and that he also worked for the CIA, Rockefeller and Bush families.
50. In 1992, Claimant Schlund briefed the FBI on Ronald Reagan's CIA file and how he had been selected to be the actor to play the part of the President of the United States of America for the Director of the CIA George Bush, in the systematic overthrow of the United States by the CIA. Claimant Schlund also briefed the FBI on how Ronald Reagan had ran California for the CIA as governor and how he had worked for the Office of Special Services ("OSS") and later the CIA throughout his life. Ronald Reagan was an FBI informant for the CIA so he could feed the FBI incorrect information along with real information that the FBI would know was true. The CIA always does it this way to make their operatives believable when they are really only supplying false unverifiable facts to covertly miss direct those that could be a threat to them.
51. In 1992, Claimant Schlund alleges he briefed the FBI on Bruce Babbit's CIA file. This included how Babbitt worked for George Bush, Sr. and the CIA and had run the drug cartel known as the Dirty Dozen for George Bush, Sr. This included information on when he was Attorney General of Arizona and Governor of Arizona for the CIA. Claimant Schlund strongly protested his appointment by President Clinton to the FBI.
55. In 1992, Claimant Schlund briefed the FBI on Pat Robertson's CIA file. Pat Robertson and his TV programming and news were designed and planned by the CIA and were in part funded with drug proceeds and other stolen or misappropriated moneys. I briefed the FBI on how Pat Robertson liked the girls too much in his CIA file. George Bush, Sr. believed that this could damage his credibility as a TV evangelist so George Bush, Sr. had the CIA make some new pills to look like the pills Pat Robertson took each morning. These new pills would curtail his sex life during the day and would wear off by night so Pat Robertson could have a normal sex life after work but no sex during work. Pat Robertson covertly told Christians who God's presidential candidate was which was used to influence the presidential elections of the United States. These acts by the CIA amounted to treason.
56. In 1992 I briefed the FBI on Jerry Farewell's CIA file. He also worked for the CIA and his ministry was not really what it appeared to be. He was not moral or the majority. Later the IRS went after his tax exempt status because he was really just CIA and the Christian Coalition was really just to control voters and others to direct future public elections and political objectives. Then the Congress went after the IRS to stop the IRS from interfering in George Bush Sr.'s. plans for the overthrow of the United States by the CIA.
Congressional Second Amendment Leader Under Massive Attack
Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund E-Mail Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Representative Marilyn Musgrave has more than lived up to expectations during her first term in Congress. She worked with Rep. Virgil Goode (R-VA) to found the Second Amendment Caucus in the U.S. House. It has a membership that includes the most aggressive pro-gun members of the House.
Under Representative Musgrave's leadership, the Caucus organized a presentation by Dr. John Lott and Dr. Bob Cottrell to inform congressional offices about the truth of the ban on semi-autos. It was very effective and was very helpful for many of the staff who needed "ammunition" and talking points in opposition to the ban.
Musgrave continued in the U.S. House what she often did in the Colorado legislature -- she stood up to the leadership of her own party. In Congress these confrontations have included resisting tax increases and the further socializing of the American medical system.
Gun owners need to have Marilyn Musgrave back in Congress so that we can go on the offensive here in Washington on the gun issue. Musgrave is poised to lead this effort in 2005, but first she must win her second term.
A liberal group has launched an ad campaign with an estimated budget of well over $1,000,000 aimed at defeating Musgrave and replacing her with a former state senator who supports gun control.
One of the ads shows an actress (who looks very much like Musgrave) stealing a wristwatch from a corpse in a coffin. In another ad, the Musgrave look-alike is shown stealing from a soldier's burning house while he is fighting in Iraq. Outrageous, yes. But remember the philosophy of Hitler's chief propagandist: tell a big enough lie often enough and it will be believed.
Musgrave has graduated to the big leagues, and it costs plenty to play in the majors. I am asking you to join with me in personally contributing to the reelection campaign of this courageous champion of the Second Amendment.
Her defeat would send a very loud and negative message to the majority of wobbly members of Congress. Namely, it's O.K. to talk pro-gun, but don't do anything about it or the liberal big money groups will pile on and defeat you. And, don't do anything to ruffle the feathers of the leadership of your own party.
We cannot allow that to happen. Please contribute online to Musgrave's campaign right now at http://www.musgrave2004.com -- the election is now just a few days away.
If you prefer, you can send a check by mailing the form below -- but please, do it right away. Musgrave simply must be able to match the huge flood of money that her opponents are dumping into her campaign.
Larry Pratt
Executive Director
******************** Clip-and-Mail Reply Memo ******************
Marilyn Musgrave
Marilyn Musgrave for Congress
5401 Stone Creek Circle, Suite 777
Loveland, CO 80538
From: Title/Name ________________________________________________
Phone # _________________________________________________________
Fax #____________________________________________________________
___ Yes, I want to contribute to your campaign. Enclosed is my check made out to "Marilyn Musgrave for Congress" in the amount
of: ___$25, ___$50, ___$100, Other $________.
___ Please charge the above amount to my credit card: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover
Card Name & #__________________________________________________
___ Yes, I would like to volunteer. Please have the campaign contact me.
Solely paid for by Larry Pratt, 8001 Forbes Place, Springfield, VA 22151. Not paid for or authorized by any candidate or political party.
This message is from the Rocky Mountain Gun Owner's E-mail Alert Network.
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Congressman refuses to probe terrorist cell in his district
Florida green card immigration bribery and evidence shredding cover-up reaches into House of Representatives
ORLANDO--January 28, 2005--TomFlocco.com--Despite widespread news reports linking Moroccan Muslims to worldwide terrorism, Florida Congressman Ric Keller (R-8-FL) has declined to call for a formal FBI or Government Accounting Office (GAO) investigation of Orlando Homeland Security official Mary Schneider's concrete evidence of green card bribery of immigration officials by illegal Moroccan Muslims linked to a terrorist cell in Keller's central Florida congressional district--the hub of Sunshine State tourism and airline traffic.
Our interview with the Orlando immigration adjudication officer revealed that Keller, who is a member of the House Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security told Mary Schneider "your problem is not a matter within the purview of a federal agency." READ MORE

1. Nelson Rockefeller | | 16. Spiro T. Agnew |
2. David Rockefeller | | 17. Gerald R. Ford |
3. Ronald Reagan | | 18. Ted Koppel |
4. Charlton Heston | | 19. G. Gordon Liddy |
5. Ralph Nader | | 20. John Poindexter |
6. Pat Robertson | | 21. Colin Powell |
7. Pat Buchanan | | 22. Edwin Meese |
8. Jerry Falwell | | 23. Henry Fonda |
9. Malcolm Forbes | | 24. Jane Fonda |
10. Bruce Babbitt | | 25. Abigail Van Buren |
11. H. Ross Perot | | 26. Amanda Blake |
12. Dr. Robert Schuller | | 27. Bob Dole |
13. Dick Cheney | | 28. Joe Arpaio |
14. Dan Quayle | | 29. Phillip Jordan |
15. Richard Nixon | | 30. Lyndon Baines Johnson |