Testimonials made to me as publisher of
True Democracy
Dear Arlene,
God wants to use you to help others. You are a very diligent person who is willing to read
and study, to know the truth. God will use you to help to "seal" people to be saved and protected from
the "plagues" of Satan. You have a "work" to do.
Tom Demeter
The American Mission
E-mail: godsmystery@impulse.net
Regular Mail: Tom Demeter
c/o General Delivery,
Santa Maria, California 93454
(805) 348-3578

"God bless you for what you are doing"
from the holocaust survivor who rolled up her sleeve and showed the burned number on her forearm, a total stranger on the plane coming back to New York from Miami.

"Thank you for your powerful message.
Howard Zinn, Historian and author of the book A People's History of the United States

"I applaud your work and valiant efforts. Sadly, our American institutions aren't the least bit interested in true education as they are with real mis-education! I invite your attention to a book that I authored, "iN tHE cAR" - see http://www.inthecar.com - and you will, hopefully, "feel" my frustrations and pain."
Much Luv,
Lonnie F. DeWitt

"Thank you so much for contacting us and for taking on the challenge of getting consumers to shop with conscience! BRAVA!!!
Please use us and our web site as a resource. We'll put you on our email list so that you can keep abreast of the Gap boycott. We are also launching an international Redwood boycott.
Cheer and best of luck!!!"
Mary Bull
Save the Redwoods/Boycott the Gap Campaign
252 Frederick Street, San Francisco, CA 94117
chalice@wco.com 415-731-7924 http://www.gapsucks.org
Other Contacts/Information Sources:
Mary Pjerrou, Redwood Coast Watersheds Alliance
707-877-3405 pirohuck@mcn.org http://www.elksoft.com/gwa
Mark Hilovsky, Builders Action Network
415-550-6850 mhilo@aol.com
Bay Area Coalition for Headwaters
510-835-6303 Listserve listproc@envirolink.org
(message text = Subscribe BACHlist,
followed by email address, then name)
Info on Gap Sweatshops:
"God bless the Ground! I shall walk softly there..."

"We applaud you for your efforts. You present yourself as an unusual person in this day and time, when so many just want to go along with the status quo. Keep up the good work. Peace and Love" from the SMS Information Center

"Thank you for so
many kind words, YOU are such a comfort to Dick and so many others. Please
never give up." from a Web site visitor in Reno, Nevada

"Thank you Arlene for your beautiful message. Jesus loves you!" from Rose Cramer, PA Department of Education

"I thank you for your actions if favor of Vieques. I hope that in the near
future we can all celebrate an independent Puerto Rico, free of United
States colonialism.
In solidarity,
Hans Perl-Matanzo, undergraduate at Harvard University"

"Let me chime in, in support of Arlene's conscientious effort to alert people
about what has been taking place in Vieques, that as independent and
alternative editors, publishers and journalists, we will not be able to get
any kind of handle on what either the necessity for our work is, or what the
obstacles to our efforts are, unless we understand that we live in an
The marginalization of critical voices, the corporate concentration of
publishing, distribution, broadcasting and the Internet, the growing
of dissent and criminalization of youth and poverty, are all manifestations
the same system. We need not and could not seek political unanimity on this
list, but we need to develop a little more of the all-for-one and
mentality -- the understanding of solidarity -- that sees the connection
between the unjust exertion of US military might in Vieques and Puerto Rico
generally, and the hostile political and economic conditions we face."
from Michael Novick, publisher of "Turning The Tide."

" Many thanks indeed for your e-mail. I wholeheartedly agree with you
the situation in Puerto Rico, and please DO NOT remove me from your list.
What many media people are missing--because the Navy has micromanaged
agenda of the bombing of Vieques for so long now--is the broader effects of
the bombing that you allude to. This includes the bloated incidence of
and other diseases, the contamination of the water and of the food chain,
extremely high levels of noise associated with the bombing, the ongoing
trauma to elderly and to children, etc. And in addition, the massive FBI
presence on Puerto Rico per se. I have long said that the FBI treats Puerto
Rico like a laboratory, much like the U.S. military used Vietnam, Laos and
Cambodia during the 1960s and 1970s.
Yes, I would like to read what Saul Landau has to say on the subject.
Please send a copy when you have a moment."
Also, I would like to inform you that the new millennial double issue
(Number 69, Spring-Summer 2000) of CovertAction Quarterly has just been
published. This issue, a third larger than any previous issue, is packed
in-depth, timely, and important articles:
U.S. military and corporate recolonization of Congo
The battle over Chechnya and oil pipelines to the West
Intervention in Colombia and Ecuador
U.N. oil-for-food program a cover for stealing Iraq's oil
Depleted uranium--the human toll
Michael Parenti's sojourn to Yugoslavia
Undermining Indian sovereignty in Kashmir
Cyprus in "The American Century"
U.S.-NATO bringing democracy to Bosnia-Herzegovina
The illegality of the World Trade Organization
"Emergency management" in Seattle
Commentaries on the Seattle battle
The politics of hunger and water
Impacts of economic globalization on global climate change
The prison-industrial complex
U.S. military civil disturbance planning--the war at home
Book review--Cultural Cold War: The CIA and the World of Arts and
Poem--"The way it s'posed to be . . ."
Copies of the new issue are available for $8.95. Domestic subscriptions
are $22 for one year or $38 for two years. Foreign subscriptions: Canada:
$25/$44; Other: $35/$63.
Published since 1978, this award-winning magazine has reported in depth
on topics much of the mainstream media consistently either ignores or
misreports, and which political figures and pundits do not care to go near.
While much of our in-depth coverage is about U.S. intelligence activities at
home and abroad, we also cover a wide spectrum of non-intelligence related
topics. Visit our web site to learn more about the contents. The address is:
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Louis Wolf
Co-founder, Co-publisher and Director of Research
CovertAction Quarterly

"Yes, this is real solidarity and we should push this [getting the Navy out of Vieques] widely." from Professor Saul Landau at Cal Poly Pomona, California

"Please keep in the struggle, it's not easy and not simple, particularly with the new un-improved Pacifica Board." from John Sheridan on March 9, 2000, Member of the Coalition for a democratic Pacifica [five sister radio stations]

"I would rather buy your
magazine than George magazine" from a young woman on a city bus in New York

"I, personnally, am quite
concerned with the manner in which our country seems to be heading. I want our students to
know more than they hear on television as those individuals seem very selective concerning
what they decide to show, none of which appears to be favorable to those individuals who
do the work and pay the taxes" from a public school librarian.

"We are very concerned about
the way the country is heading. The overflow of immigration, etc., is scarry. We have been
reading and watching for a long time now, and were glad to see someone put the ideas into
a magazine that our students can read. I know what you are doing is difficult, but it is
also terrific. You are an inspiring individual" from the same public school librarian
and her husband who is a superintendent of public schools in New Mexico.

"Good luck" from
literally hundreds of people if not thousands to whom I have spoken.

"You go girl!" from a

"Best of luck in what you are
doing, and I hope that these and many other paths do converge before too long. With every
passing day, the short-term prospects look more grim" from Professor Noam Chomsky,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology and noted author.

"Thank you for your letter of
June 4 [1995]. It is good to see that you are so involved in your company. It is
gratifying to learn that your experience in Political Sociology has proved useful to you.
Good luck in all your endeavors" from Associate Professor William G. Roy, UCLA.