Boycotts We Support

Outside of the beautiful City Hall in Munich, Germany is a large tent that belongs to German activists who are determined to end war. This boycott is of the multinational corporations which are the ones which supported the Iraq war: There is no doubt in my mind that they would support any war.
The Procter & Gamble Company
Makes Charmin, Clairol, DASH, DAWN, Downy, Ellen Betrix, Fairy, Febreeze, Alldays, Always, Antikal, Ariel, Blend-A-Med, Blendax, Boss, Bounty, Punica, Pringles, Wick, Head & Shoulders, Herbal Essences, Hugo Boss, Lenor, Meister Propper, Oil of Olaz, Old Spice, Pampers, Panthene, Secret, Swiffer, Tempo, and Vizir
Johnson & Johnson
Makes Clean & Clear, Fenjala, BEBE Young Care, Carefree, OB Tampons, Penaten, and Pronto
Colgate-Palmolive Company
Makes Colgate, Dentagard, AJAX, Gard, Palmolive, and Softlan
SC Johnson & Son, Inc.
Makes Drano and Brise
Sara Lee Corporation
Makes Duschdas (a shampoo), Aoste, Natreen, and many desserts
Bonne Bell, Inc.
Makes Bonne Bell
Kimberley-Clark Corporation
Makes Hakle, Kleenex, Servus, and Camelia
The Coca Cola Company
Makes BONAQA, Cappy, Coca Cola, Fanta, Sprite, Powerade, Lift, and Mezzo Mix
Chiquita Brands International, Inc.
Produces Chiquita bananas
Dole Food Company, Inc.
Processes Dole products
Campbell Soup Company
Makes Erasco and Heisse Tasse
Altria Group, inc.
Makes F6, Philip Morris, L&M, and Marlboro (In conjunction with Philip Morris)
Kraft Foods, Inc.
Makes Suchard, Toblerone, Luffee, Marabou, Milka, LILA PAUSE, Kaba, DAIM, Velveta, Reis-Fit, Philadelphia, Jacobs, HAG, KRAFT, Lunchables, Maxwell, Miracle Whip, and ONKO
Mars, Inc.
Makes Uncle Ben's rice, Rispinos, Snickers, Twix, Mars Bar, Milky Way, M&Ms, AMICELLI, Ballisto, Banjo, BISC8, Bounty, Catsan, CESAR, CHAPPY, Frolic, Whiskas, Pedigree, Sheba, Thomas, Trill, and Kitkat
H. J. Heinz Company
Makes Sonnen-Bassermann and Heinz Catsup
Fortune Brands, Inc.
Makes Jeam Beam
General Mills, Inc.
Makes HŸAGEN DASZ, Pillsbury and Knack&Back
Pepsico, Inc.
Makes Seven Up, Pepsi, and Mirinda
Kellogg Company
KELLOGG'S and Frosties
William Wrigley Jr. Company
Makes Wrigley's, Orbit, HUBBA BUBBA, AIRWAVES, and Big Red
The Gillette Company
Makes Gillette, Oral-B, and Venus
Harley-Davidson, Inc.
Makes Harley-Davidson Parfum (Lizenz)
Energizer Holding, Inc.
Makes Wilkinson
One person remarked that he was not going to support this boycott, but I feel that every little bit helps. So I am proud to support this boycott for every product that these companies produce.
Thank you German activists for initiating this product boycott, as in my humble opinion, it is the best that we can do and will last until we end war!
From The Mirror in the U.K.
Tuesday, May 6, 2003
By Tanith Carey, Consumer Editor
CHILDREN'S charities have called for a ban on a toy that teaches children as
young as six how to inflict torture.
Wedgie dolls, named after the practice of pulling up someone's underwear
sharply, scream in agony when youngsters give them a yank.
Described as your "annoying little brother" they shout: "Ow, Ow, Ow. Quit
it. That hurts. I'll tell my mummy on you. I hate it when you do that."
More than 50,000 dolls, made by US firm Hasbro, have been sold in Britain.
The instructions declare: "You can torture and tease Wedgie until he just
can't take it any more."
Hasbro insisted last night the toy was meant to be "humorous."
Many schools have banned pupils doing wedgies and now the NSPCC is urging parents to boycott the doll.
Parent adviser Eileen Hayes said: "This sends out completely the wrong
message to children on how to behave.
"We are concerned it could encourage children to bully and hurt each other. Babies and toddlers are particularly vulnerable to harm and parents need to help older siblings treat them with care and affection."
Michelle Elliott of Kidscape added: "It astonishes me that a responsible toy
company like Hasbro should put out a toy which encourages kids to harm each other.
"Wedgies are very dangerous for boys. They can strangulate testicles which
is why schools have tried to stamp out this practice.
"They should withdraw this toy in the interests of safety.
"Basically children are being encouraged to hurt the toy so that it screams
in pain. This is the very behaviour we don't want in children."
Developmental psychology consultant Elizabeth Newson said: "This is like
child abuse. This is no joke. It is disgraceful to bring out a toy that is
teaching children to torture other children."
The toy is clearly marked for children of six years and over.
Despite the call for a ban, Hasbro said it intends to put even more of the
£31.99 dolls on sale this year.
A spokesman said: "We take all complaints seriously, especially those that
involve the well-being of children.
"The product was designed to be humorous and research among children and parents provided us with very positive feedback.
"We have sold more than 50,000 Wedgies in the UK and only received one other inquiry."

Please continue to next page of Boycotts We Support
