The Children of San Quentin
Ron Greene Public Service Photography
©Photographs by Ron Greene
I wasn't sure what it would be like working with these kids when I first began taking their photographs. Children of San Quentin State Prison inmates -- wouldn't they be miniature gangsters?Would I have to guard my cameras and my pockets with my life? Would I be facing a group of surly, hostile kids, running wild through the building?
See the eyes of these children and know how wrong I was.
The articles I've read say that these children are at extreme risk. I don't doubt this, but those I've met so far are wonderful children, friendly, unspoiled, full of joy and hope.It they're facing a rough future, maybe there's still time.
Seeing the love and care lavished on these kids while they're at The House, and watching their responses, I've come away with a sense that it isn't too late to help the thousands of children of prison inmates throughout the United States.
How do you respond to these photographs?Would you like to help?
The House at San Quentin can be reached at (415) 456-4200.
These photographs are part of a series intended to increase public awareness of the challenges facing the children of inmates.
Ron Greene copyright 1997-1998. You can contact me in Greenbrae California at (415) 461-1552 or by e-mail at
Revised: 14-Mar-98
The Journal of History - Fall 2002 Copyright © 2002 by News Source, Inc.