able to keep my focus this way. Had I allowed my anger to leave me, and not stayed angry for what was happening to me, I wouldn't have made it."
The news media reported on the release of Dr. Polhill and I watched the three different networks, although each reported on the story from a somewhat different angle, I noticed each anchorperson and each network appeared to praise Dr. Polhill regarding his anger. The general consensus was that he had a right to be angry and I think we all agree that anytime you're held against your will, captive, told what to do, how to do it and when to do it, naturally you will have aggression towards your overseer. Yet the Corrections Department deems it as inappropriate behavior when a prisoner demonstrates anger after being confined for a period of years. Dr. Polhill was held for a little over two years while some men are incarcerated for ten, fifteen, twenty-five years. How can the department and society have the audacity to expect that prisoners remain passive and docile when to do so is against the very nature of a human being?
The anger one feels from being held captive is akin to slavery. It sets off emotions that few will ever know, short of being in a hostage situation or in an American prison.
The Senses
When I first heard of sensory deprivation, it was being associated with the conditions of which I was subjected to, of which I and others similarly situated, were suffering from. But even to this day, I have not been informed or educated as to exactly how sensory deprivation targets and effects the human being. It was only through personal research, and contemplation, that the connection with sensory deprivation and our day to day afflictions by it became profoundly understood. The fundamental principle upon which any of our endeavors may be successful, is to understand the nature of our human make-up, and those elements that either complement it, or harm it.
I humbly believe that first and foremost in our struggle to overcome and survive this cruel and evil practice of sensory deprivation, is to take the two words (sensory, deprivation), and analyze them in their individual components. Sensory: directly relating to our basic five senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch - essential components in every human being's make-up. It is the senses that by nature establish contact with the natural elements of creation (environment) and are stimulated towards development and growth. The natural elements in the environment provide that necessary contact with the senses in which we as human beings may know the inner relationship with the outer world. When mankind looks upon the natural elements and through them, knowledge and understanding is stimulated. The human looked upon the birds and discovered the plane, he observed the whale and discovered the submarine. Our forest trees attribute to the oxygen in the atmosphere as our flowers and roses contribute to the fragrance that stimulates smell and allows us to discover commodities as perfume and colognes, enchantment.
It is the sense of touch, in which we made contact with the wild life (animals) and found comfort in furs and skins, cloth. A child will see a butterfly (sight sense) and our dear child's motor skills will be activated, curiosity will lead them to chase it in play. In each element of nature there is a direct connection with the senses in which the human being is always stimulated. The thoughts are activated, creativity is contemplated and realized, human potential is cultivated and most importantly, balanced sociability is fostered.
Deprivation: means to deprive someone of something, to take away, or debar. In relation to the senses, that have just been set forth, to deprive would mean: creating the structural setting in which the senses are cut off from contact with the natural elements of creation. To prevent the senses from having contact with the natural elements would result in depriving the senses the necessary stimulant for healthy growth and development as a human being.