Four Hour Video on 9/11 from Denmark
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Bombs inside "World Trade Center" and the "Pentagon."
On April 2, 2002 the Danish author and scientist Henrik Melvang released his NEW video documentary in Denmark. The video is 4 hours long and its original title in Danish is:
"Bomberne som Forsvandt." (NWO doc. 1:4) (Part 1)
(Translated title: "The Bombs Which Disappeared") (Part 1)
(Or: "The Vanishing WTC Bombs of Sept. 11") (Part 1)The video was recorded in Denmark by "Unmask Production":
Henrik Melvang
Box 86
DK-6600 Vejen
Denmark, EU
Fax: +45-74834085
http://www.bombsinsidewtc.dkThe controversial "video title" above, refers to the numerous bombs which were detonated on September 11, 2001 and which caused the collapse of both WTC Twin towers and the Pentagon west section...., But the "title" also indicates that these named "bombs inside" were almost forgotten by the World's News media, only 5-10 hours after the "terror event" took place.
On September 12, nobody in the media reported about these bombs anymore, or seemed to care about the existence of these huge bombs since almost everyone had already accepted the phony and pre-arranged, pre-staged and pre-scripted:
"Bin Laden,..... Al-Queda,.... Airplane-Coverup,....STORY"
(with photos of 19 arabs,.... and the phony Atta-Jihad-Suicideletter,... etc.,... etc.,......)Some people may have some difficulties in understanding WHY these "bombs inside" are so important - in order to understand the secret agenda behind the terror events of September 11 (and our modern world in general).
That is why, I recommend my coming 16 hours of videos concerning this very issue. ("part 1" will be a good start!).If you want to order the 4 hour video now then please send me an email (or use order fax: +45-74834085).
If you want to READ MORE about it all (before ordering the video)
The original DANISH video version: (Den originale DANSKE video version).
Min video "Bomberne som forsvandt" blev optaget i Danmark og er indtalt på dansk (ikke tekstet). Jeg har dog lavet en "international version" hvor de danske passager forklares med en engelsk "short translation."Det har vist sig, at der er er enorm interesse overalt i verden vedr. denne sag, og internettet har allerede mange gode og meget grundige hjemmesider om bedraget.
Allerede d. 11 sept. 2001, var jeg i gang med at samle materiale til denne video, idet jeg vidste at alle begivenhederne d. 11 sept. var blevet iscenesat og forfalsket og derfor slet ikke var et udtryk for "islamisk jihad", men istedet den "klassiske - good old frimurer styled - statsterrorisme" (med de mange indvendige bomber, som det dog slet ikke var meningen, at vi skulle se eller høre noget som helst om).
Men der er for mange mennesker både i New York og Washington, som har både set og hørt disse bomber sprænge, til at FBI/CIA kan fortrænge eksistensen af disse store indvendige bomber, der jo trods alt bærer ansvaret for mindst 80-90% af det samlede dødstal.
Naturligvis findes der islamiske terrorister, men det var bare ikke dem som lavede "hoved komplottet" ovre i USA d. 11 september 2001. Nej "Al-Queda" og "Usama Bin Laden" er kun små brikker i et stort satanisk frimurer komplot.Verden regeres IKKE fra en jordhytte i Afghanistan, - Men istedet fra de bonede gulve i London,....og ......XXX!!!???, .......etc.,......etc.
Siden d. 11 sept. har undertegnede gennemgået mere end 1000 timers video-clips fra diverse nyhedsudsendelser og dokumentar programmer om 11. sept. Hertil kommer at undertegnede allerede inden d. 11. sept. havde sat sig grundigt ind i begivenhederne vedr. WTC 1993, Waco 1993 og OklahomaBomben 1995 (samt Nairobi og Tanzania bomberne 1998) - som alle var eksembler på statsterrorisme.
For over 11*2 år siden - nærmere betegnet d. 2. september år 2000 - sendte Henrik Melvang et synopsis-manuskript til forlaget "Møntergården" i København. En synopsis vedr. bogen "John Doe 3:16 - På kanten af Lunas rand" blev sendt som "ANBEFALET BREV" til forlaget Møntergården. Det skete efter telefonisk aftale med Pia Hansen (red.) Møntergården. Men brevet forsvandt alligevel i København i over 8 uger - inden forlaget langt om længe fandt brevet. Først benægteden forlaget at de havde modtaget brevet. Men efter 8 uger og en efterlysning gennem Postdanmark dukkede brevet pludselig op hos forlaget. Møntergården har til dato nægtet at udtale sig om HVOR brevet havde været.... Eller HVORDAN brevet pludselig kunne dukke op efter 8 uger!!?? Møntergården vil ikke kommentere sagen omkring brevets mystiske forsvinden. Og ingen andre forlag tør indtil videre trykke bogen "John Doe 3:16."
I omtalte manus havde jeg TO meget store kapitler, som handlede om "statsterrorisme i USA." Selve bogen handler om "frimurer -konspirationen." (altså om implementeringen af "NWO = New World Order = Verdensregering = Antikrist).
I bogens kap. 9 og 13 forudsiger jeg at WTC ville blive udsat for et terrorangreb i år 2003. Bogens pointe er at dette terroranslag mod WTC i 2003 er iscenesat af FBI/CIA m.fl., med henblik på at skabe frygt for "islamisk jihad", og så efterfølgende tvinge alle frie nationer til at OPGIVE deres "nationale frihedsrettigheder" - imod at de istedet modtager Verdensstatens ("Big Brothers") ØGEDE "Globo cop-Politi beskyttelse" - mod den stigende (iscenesatte) internationale terror.
Nogen synes sikkert at det lyder som en rigtig god idé (altså at undgå terror ved at modtage deres "NWO beskyttelse").
Men det er HELVEDE på Jorden! Et liv i spændetrøje! (med Antikrist som din personlige butler til evig tid).Efter WTC bomben i 1993 og Oklahoma bomben 1995 har man i USA gennemført en lang række lovændringer som krænker den personlige frihed enormt (Bl.a. "The Brady Bill" and "The Omnibus Counter Terrorist Act"). Senere kom så også yderligere censur og overvågning gennem kampagnen "The WAR on Drugs." Mange mennesker i USA har allerede indset at konspirationen allerede er løbet løbsk, og at der må gøres noget straks!
Sig derfor "NEJ" til den store "terror-pakke" i EU!
Den skjulte dagsorden bag ved hele matrixen om kampagnen mod den internationale terrorisme er kun et skalkeskjul for at snige nogle "juridiske snyde paragraffer" ind ad bagvejen - således at den korrupte elite kan foretage ARREST af "Systemkritikeren" overalt på kloden. Siden d. 11 sept. har man vedtaget en lange række vedtægter og fremsat forslag til at indføre en helt ny "HYBRID ARREST FORM" - hvor alle kan arresteres for stort set alle mulige ting og blot på baggrund af helt løse udokumenterede rygter. Man vil snart kunne tilbageholde og udlevere personer frem og tilbage mellem landegrænser UDEN at arrestanten kan forsvare sig.
Man vil forsinke borgerens ret til at forsvare sig gennem det gemene kneb, som også kaldes for banal "tidsudtrækning" (en gl. juridisk forhalingsteknik og taktik). Man vil erstatte det nationale juridiske lokalkendskab med en NY "Overnational kadaver jura."
Dette er "Kafkaz skræk scenario"..... I rendyrket form!
Konspirationsteoretikere over hele verden har i over 50-100 år advaret om dette juridiske snyde scenario (med "Master Search Warrants" og Suspension of "Habeas Corpus"). Alle disse ting gennemføres netop nu! (Efter sept. 11 gik det helt amok).
Og når dette bliver manifest i år 2002?-2007? har vi for aller første gang i verdenshistorien et verdenstotalitært styre, som ikke kan nedkæmpes af nogen nation. (For "NATIONALSTATEN" er jo netop blevet NEDLAGT samtidig).
Der er altså ingen nation (eller organisation) der kan komme dig til undsætning. "Total Staten" vil nu herske til evig tid!
Dette er den skjulte dagsorden bag ved hele "Sept. 11 - terror-kampagnen." Det er altså slet ikke Bin Laden, man ønsker at arrestere. Nej det er "Dissidenterne" (og de kristne) som man vil have bugt med!
Bin Laden er ufarlig for magthaverne, idet han ikke kan afsløre konspirationen. (Men det kan systemkritikeren og de kristne). Hvis man virkelig ønskede at arrestere Bin Laden, så kunne man have gjort det mange gange siden 1993. (Bl.a. kunne man have anholdt ham i Dubai sidste år).
Men Bin Laden blev ikke arresteret før 11. sept. - idet man jo snart skulle bruge hans vel markedsførte "navn":USAMA BIN LADEN
- Til atter at sælge hele verden idé'en om den store "Islamiske jihad terror trussel."
(Dette er dog blot en behændig afledningsmanøvre, idet den virkelige store "terror trussel" slet ikke kommer fra "jihad", men i stedet fra den "Judeo-kristelige og Zionistiske/Marxistiske NWO konspiration")
Islam skal have mindst 60-100 år for at kunne løbe os over ende....
Men "NWO konspirationen" kunne nøjes med kun 60 dage - lige efter d. 11. september.
(Og hvem har den politiske-, finansielle- og militære magt her i verden? ....... Det er ikke Taliban, vel!?FBI Agent Myrdet?
FBI agent John O'Neil, der havde en chef stilling som terrorekspert i Bin Laden og Al-Queda sagen - klagede sidste år til sin overordnet over, at man ikke tog initiativ til at fange Bin Laden.
John O'Neil blev efterfølgende afskediget p.g.a. denne kritik.
Og d. 11 sept. myrdede man ex.FBI agent John O'Neil - kort tid efter at han havde forladt de to WTC Twintowers.
Der er flere vidner som bekræfter at John O'Neil kom ud fra WTC i live. Siden da har ingen set ham. FBI har strikket en teori sammen som går ud på at John O'Neil gik ind i WTC tårnet igen, og omkom under tårnstyrtet.
Jeg tror ikke på denne FBI - "dæk-historie." Min opfattelse er, at John O'Neil blev myrdet fordi han ville fortælle verdenspressen om alle de BOMBEEKSPLOSIONER, som han og de andre havde hørt og set INDE i WTC tårnet. Den kritiske FBI agent John O'Neil ville givetvist ikke købe historien om at Bin Laden skulle stå bag ved alt dette, og han ville derfor bringe den "Officielle FBI udlægning" i miskredit. Dette ville selvsagt være alt for farligt for NWO-konspiratørene. Derfor blev ex.FBI agent John O'Neil myrdet! (dette er min teori).
(Læs mere om WTC og Pentagon bomberne længere nede i teksten).
Evidence of BOMBS INSIDE the WTC and Pentagon:
There were several bombs inside both the World Trade Center and the Pentagon!
(Danish: Der var en lang række bomber som var anbragt i både WTC og Pentagon bygningerne).The collapse of the WTC and Pentagon was not caused by the plane crash and the fire inside.
(Danish: Sammenstyrtningen af bygningerne skyldes ikke som det ellers er oplyst af pressen (og FBI), at bygningerne var så slemt beskadiget af flyangrebet og den efterfølgende ildebrand, at de til sidst måtte styrte helt sammen. Mange nyhedsmedier har sammen med FBI manipuleret de ingeniørmæssige kendsgerninger vedr. WTC m.m. Flystyrtene og ildebranden var slet ikke den virkelige årsag til sammenstyrtningen. Men FBI vil ikke indrømme, at der var en lang række bomber placeret inde i bygningen).
Why do they deny the fact?
FBI/CIA officially denies that there were several bombs detonated inside the buildings.
The reason for this denial is very simple:
If they admit the existence of all these huge bombs, they can no longer maintain the "Jihad Matrix" as the convenient scapegoat theory.
The "idea of an enemy" can no longer be solely personificated in the names of "Mohammed Atta" and "Bin (Frankenstein) Laden" as the "Enemy from outside" ("Al-Queda").
People would soon realize that the real enemy, is not from "outside" - but instead an: "Enemy Within."
If they admit that there were bombs placed inside WTC, and that it were these huge bombs which caused the collapse of the twin towers - they also admit that THEY,.... (FBI/CIA),.... were INVOLVED because no one would believe that Bin Laden and the Al-Queda would be able to place so many bombs inside the heavy guarded WTC complex.Also people would soon realize that the Al-Queda network would not have spent so many resources in the hijacking of 4 or more airplanes, if they had already placed several bombs inside the WTC and Pentagon. The tremendous logistics involved in the hijacking of the airplanes, and the high risk of a total failure of such an airplane terror attack, would make no sense at all, if Bin Laden's Al-Queda Network had already placed several high level explosives inside the entire WTC complex.
So seen from this point of view alone - any theories of an Al-Queda involvement concerning the "bombs inside" must be completely abandoned. The Al-Queda network and similar organizations would always be able to hijack an airplane now and then, and this could probably be done everywhere in the world in the future also. But they would never be able to coordinate the hijacking of 4 or more planes for over an hour, and by no means could they have placed so many bombs inside the WTC unless the FBI/CIA were fully involved in the plot.
Consequently the "5th. Column of the FBI/CIA" (or other secret task forces) must have been involved in the detonation of all these bombs. These secret groups which are used and payed for by the "elite" are responsible of more than 80% of the total death toll, which again mean, that they are FULLY responsible for everything which happened on September 11, 2001 (and what took place in the days before the attack).
All the numerous intelligence organizations around the world have been infiltrated by the "illuminati" and the "freemasons" for the past 300 years or more.
This conspiracy is not an American conspiracy - it is an international conspiracy with an international political and esoteric goal.The secret international masonic agenda: NWO!
(Latin: "Novus Ordo Seclorum" = "New World Order" (NWO))There is no intelligence organization in the world which has not been subject to the "masonic double state inside the State matrix." "The masonic mandate is: INFILTRATION!" (Said Harvard Professor Gail Riplinger in her book New Age Bible Verses).
And You name it!? - There is in world history NO exception from this very principle.
Take a look at the most famous Intelligence Organizations in the world:
FBI/CIA/IRS/NSA/Secret Service/FEMA/MI5/MI6/Scotland Yard/Mossad and the KGB etc... - They were all infiltrated by a "5th. column" from the very first day they were founded.Since FBI/CIA have the general supervision and jurisdiction concerning "Terrorism," they are obviously to be blamed if they fail to detect this "enemy within" (year after year).
Also they are guilty of a "Joint-Terror-Conspiracy" if they had foreknowledge of the terror event.
Omission is just as bad as commision.
On Sepember 11, 2001 - it Became evident that FBI/CIA did nothing to prevent the Al-Queda and Osama Bin Ladens network from doing what they had in mind.
Four or more planes were allowed to fly freely around in the airspace of Washington and New York - for HOURS without any kind of Counterattack. This is clear evidence of a joint conspiracy.basically the Al-Queda Network is controlled by foreign intelligence. Bin Laden is a mediocrate mind, who may see himself as an islamic freedom fighter, but who is in reality unable to discover the huge number of "Agent provocateurs" and "Double agents" which infiltrated his famous "Al-Queda organization" - more than 10 years ago.
The "Taliban rule" was also a creation of the foreign intelligence network, which was set up in order to establish a "scapegoat campus" for the future terrorist attacks.The CORRUPTION of Evidence:
Most of the Ordinary FBI/CIA employees are not a part of this conspiracy. But they will become guilty of high crimes if they participate in the corruption of evidence.
Since September 11th, there has been no real investigation of the "crime scenes" at all. All the steel from WTC and the Pentagon contained an enormous amount of evidence.
This "mountain of evidence" should be investigated, but only very little has been analysed. If real bomb experts had a change to analyze the steel and concrete, they would discover several "Bomb marks" from high explosives. As a matter of fact some experts have already reported this. That is why the FBI decided to make a "total demolition" of all the "Crime scenes" so fast after the attack.Most of the Steel from the WTC complex was never analysed before it was driven away and recycled(melted).
(PS: In Washington there has already been held a "crisis-meeting" (hearing) in March 2002 in order to file an official complaint about this "corruption of evidence."
FBI are not allowed to melt any part of the steel from WTC , since it is a part of the important LEGAL evidence).Also the Pentagon crime scene was corrupted. Only few months after the attack the entire west section of the Pentagon was rebuilt, and in the meantime the rubble was corrupted - so that no one had a chance to examine the evidence of the Bomb-explosions inside the Pentagon. (The "fast demolition pattern" of the FBI continues in the footsteps of WACO1993 and OKLAHOMA 1995)
Several Bombs INSIDE the Pentagon:
The phony FBI theory of "Flight 77" is a FICTION !
The official FBI explanation concerning the Pentagon attack containes a "phony story" about a Boeing 757 crashing down into the Pentagon Buildings west side.
The wingspan of a Boing 757 is circa 40 meters. And such a huge plane could not have flown in from the west and penetrated the west facade - WITHOUT first having broken several of the numerous amount of Light Poles and Traffic Signs which were surrounding the Pentagon's west side. But these lightpoles were left unharmed. (Check out the pictures for yourself).
This means in plain english : That there was no Boeing 757 which crashed down into the Pentagon on September 11th.
Had this been the case, there would also have been a much bigger hole in the west facade of the Pentagon. And what happened to the wings of the Boeing ? Did they enter the small hole or did they disappear outside the facade ?
No debris from a plane crash was visible outside the Pentagon - obviously there was NO plane crash !
And what about the TWO huge Engines of the Boing 757 !?
Did the engines penetrate the facade of Pentagon, and if so - what happened to the penetration holes of these TWO Boeing Engines ?,...........NO Holes are visible on any of the Live pictures.
And what actually happened to the TWO Boeing Engines ?............ The Firefighters who entered the burning Pentagon building saw NO debris,..... and found NO Engines inside the Pentagon building.
(Yet the FBI still claim they found the TWO Black Boxes...!?.... Evidently the FBI is prepared to do everything to corrupt any of the involved crime scenes).
Also the remaining walls in the attacked part of the burning Pentagon were destroyed only a few hours after the attack.
This destruction was made by a huge demolition-Crane.
The official explanation of this intervention with a demolition Crane, was that they feared that the building was unstable and that the roof may soon have collapsed. The truth, however, is that this was a "coverup-story." The real reason for using this Crane was that they could not promote the myth of a BOEING Plane Crash at the Pentagon, if there was NO BIG HOLE in the Facade of the Pentagon Building. That is why they used the Demolition Crane in order to make the hole in the Facade look bigger.The original holes in the Pentagon were caused by the exploding bombs (and/or a Helicopter). But the size of these penetration holes was not big enough to convince the public that the Pentagon was struck by a Boeing 757. That is why they used the Crane to enlarge the penetration hole in the Pentagon's west-facade.
After an hour a 10 meter big opening Gap, could be exposed in front of the World's News medias.Before this took place the Press was asked not to take pictures from certain angles. If you recall the first hours on September 11 - you will remember that we saw only long distance photos/film of a distant burning Pentagon Building. (NO closeups were allowed)
Many from the Press complained about this, and asked themselves:
What is it that they are trying to hide from us ?The 10 meter big hole in the Pentagon facade was made to help promote the phony "Boeing Plane Crash Myth" of "Flight 77," which FBI claimed had crashed down into the Pentagon on September 11.
FBI and the "Illuminati Shadow Government" wish to link the Pentagon Attack to "Flight 77" and then afterwards sell us the "decoy-theory" of the "19 Arab Hijackers." But the Official FBI history of the identity of the 19 Arabs, as promoted by the FBI on September 14, 2001 - has been proven wrong several times since then. (That is why FBI decided to remove the Faces and Names of all 19 Arab Hijackers from their FBI website. Note: The "FBI 19 Arabs link" is no longer available. Try it out for yourself).
Go to: (and "Search" for the September 14, 2001 Press Release about "Hijackers/Images")The first Official reports of the Pentagon Attack was that something "Unidentified" had struck Pentagon at circa 9:30 (Washington Local time).
As a matter of fact this Official theory of an "Unidentified Plane" crashing at circa 9:30 was presented
by most of the big Newspapers here in Denmark (Europe) on September 12, 2001.
Some other papers said circa 9:45 , but in general most Newspapers said 9.30
Later on Sept 13 - the FBI changed all this. Also the route of "Flight 77" was changed.
On September12 all the Danish Newspapers reported that "Flight 77" flew from Washington "Dulles" to New York and crashed into TOWER 2 (the 2WTC "Southtower") at circa 9:03 (New York local time)
But the next day all this had suddenly changed. WHY ???
On September13-14 the FBI explained that "Flight 77" did not fly to New York, but had hit the Pentagon instead. Then they also changed the time from 9:30 to 9:43 (or 9:45).Obviously the factual and correct "Pentagon time" 9:30 - is very important !
Several Eyewitnesses confirmed that they saw "Smoke from Pentagon" at circa 9:30.
And if there is smoke,..............there is also,........ (Fire) !?
FBI's claim about 9:45 was made to "link" the Pentagon Attack to "Flight 77."
But as I said before people had already seen FIRE and Smoke at 9:30.
On September 11 , the (now present) Danish Foreign Minister Mr. Per Stig Møller was in Washington, and was therefore interviewed by "Denmarks Radio" DR "P3" early in the morning at circa 7:30 on Sept.12. And he explained that he had seen a big cloud of "FIRE" and "SMOKE" from the Pentagon at circa. 9:32 (local time)Mr. Per Stig Møller also explained in the Danish Radio, that he had said to his Friends after he saw the smoke ( I Quote ) :
"I think that there has been a Bomb detonated at the Pentagon ! "
(Nobody believed that at the time he said it, but later they also saw the clouds of smoke rising up from Pentagon.)This testimony of Mr. Per Stig Møller - along with thousands of other eyewitnesses who did experience, or must have experienced the same scenario - puts the "FBI cover up story" - in a very bad light.
TERROR BOMBS inside The "World Trade Center"
(WTC, Lower Manhattan, New York, USA)
Special BOMB Testimony presented in my video:
"Watch the eyewitness testimony of more than 10 eyewitnesses who report
that they experienced SEVERAL bombs INSIDE the WTC. Listen to the Businessman, who came out on the street and explained that a huge bomb was detonated at Floor level 8 - inside the WTC tower.Also watch the Policeman as he explained, that they were burried twice by concrete inside the towers before any of the Twin-Towers had collapsed.
(This is clear evidence of huge Bombs detonated inside and before collapse)Several bombs were detonated inside and under the WTC-complex before all the SEVEN WTC-buildings later collapsed.
Both the WTC Twin towers were exposed to heavy bombs being detonated inside and below - before the Towers fell down.
Several Bomb-explosions were taking place INSIDE the WTC and Bombs were detonated far below the Towers Crash level and these Demolition Bombs can be seen on certain and selected live TV pictures of the WTC Tower collapse.
But in general the News medias that controlled the flow of video-transmissions on September11(and in the days that followed) - have tried to CENSOR most of the video clips of the WTC Tower collapse. (Manipulated video editing gives evidence of all this).
On my video I will present evidence of both "TV Picture Censorship" and "Sound Track Censorship."The "Live TV Picture Censorship" was conducted in the following manner:
1) The Org. Video clips of both Tower Collapses were NOT always shown in its entire length.
a) The Video Clips were mostly edited so that they showed an already BEGUN video fraction of the Tower collapse.
The Video Clips should also have included the seconds just BEFORE the Towers began to fall (but these important seconds
just prior to the fall of the Top of the WTC - were rarely shown. Less than 1% of the average tower scenes would include this).
This censorship was made to prevent a "sound exposure" from the original bombs being detonated in the seconds prior to the start of the collapse of the WTC Roof-top. (Read more about the "SOUND censorship" below.)b) Video Clips of the falling Towers were often edited in a manner that prevented TV viewers from obtaining the "Full picture" of the entire tower collapse. We must assume that more than 1000 different video cameras were aimed at the WTC twin towers at ANY time. Some of these video cameras may have "Zoomed in" on certain areas of the falling Towers - while other cameras did not zoom in, but kept on recording in a "wide-angel" and "long distance horizontal position." Since we know that many of the big TV stations had several long distance cameras aimed at the WTC Twin towers at any time, it is very difficult to understand why we have seen only very few video-clips from these long distance camera shots. On the other hand the answer is very simple.
These long distance shots give a "FULL Picture" of what happened to the entire FACADE of the falling towers.During my 1000 hours of video investigation I found only very few of such "Full picture long distance shots," which showed the entire tower (from top to bottom). Most of the video-clips we saw on September11 (and in the weeks that followed) would be edited versions, which presented a "video-mix" of several types of camera angles/zooms/and close up/mixed long distance etc.
Such bad editing however does not give a "Full picture" of the pattern of the falling Twin towers. I have seen several News-blocks which repeated the same "Video-mix" again and again - without ever giving the "Full Picture" of what happened to the Towers.
Typicallly this is what happened in the general video editing: (An Example of the average "Video TOWER Mix"):
FIRST they will show a "Zoomed in close up photo" of the collapsing TOP of the falling tower .
(No Exploding Bombs are visible on such video clips since the entire WTC facade is not shown)
In the NEXT video clip they will show a short duration long distance video clip of the entire Tower facade.
(No Exploding Bombs are visible on such short video clips - since the short duration of this video clip did not show any bombs.)In the FOLLOWING clip they will again "Zoom in" and show a "Close Up" of the "falling debris." We will see a close up of steel and concreete and dust falling down.
(No Exploding Bombs are visible on such close ups of falling debris and dust since NO pictures are shown of the part of the Tower FACADE below. The part of the WTC facade which have not yet collapsed are not shown in this videoclip).FINALLY they will "Zoom Out" and give you a long distance view of the collapsing tower, but this "Zoom Out" will happen at a time where the bombs have long exploded, and the entire scene is just covered up in dust clouds and falling debris.
(No Exploding Bombs are visible on this last video clip - since it is all over !)
You may say that you have seen some TV Transmissions, which did not edit the "Tower Scene" in this manner.
This is true, and in my video I will show some of these few TV Transmissions, which actually did give us a chance to follow the entire WTC facade, as it collapsed from the TOP to the Bottom. But in general most TV stations did not show the ENTIRE WTC Tower facade during the ENTIRE duration of the Tower Collapse. As I said before I have seen many different TV stations video versions of the "Tower collapse," but in general 99% of the TOTAL AIRING of the Tower scenes did not give any evidence of the numerous "clouds" from EXPLODING Bombs "popping out of the windows" of the WTC facade far below the crash level of the collapsing tower.
This high number of 99% (of the total airplay) does make an important difference for the average viewer who had no knowledge of a conspiracy. The effect of TV is basically "exposure." But in reality the Tower Scene should have been edited in a much different manner - if we look at the "Photographic nature of the Tower scene."Usually when the TV News medias shows a controlled demolition of a building anywhere in the world, they NEVER forget to give the TV audience the "Full Picture" of the scene. They always give us a "Long Distance shot of the entire Tower scene." They may show us some "Zoomed in details" also , but they will never miss the oportunity to show you the "full picture" of the entire fall of the tower (or building). Every year the TV News medias show us such demolition scenes of various buildings. I have never seen a TV Transmission which did not give the "Full Picture" - have you ?
The "Photographic nature of the Scene" would call for a "Wide angel view" - so that the TV audience can see the tower falling in it's full length.
But the Tower event of "September 11" turned out to be different !
And this was not because the long distance cameras were not in place to shoot the "Horizontal Long distance Tower Scenes."
Never in recorded World history had so many long distance cameras focused on the very same subject as between 9:00 AM and 10:30? on September 11, 2001.
Why then is the obvious long distance shoot of the WTC collapse so badly represented in the TV Transmissions ?
It totally contradicts the nature of the Tower Scene - does it not !?
The answer to this question is obvious: Someone in the "editing rooms" did not want to give us the "Full Picture" !c) Commercial video censorship of various "amateurs recordings" ???
We know that several video amateurs must have taken several good pictures from various angles and various Tower scenes.
But did we ever get to see their video coverage? its ENTIRE LENGTH,.............and with ORIGINAL SOUND !?
On September11 (and in the days that followed) many video amateurs SOLD their video clips to the big News agencies and huge TVstations. This again means that the "entire video editing process" was now in the hands of the "Big Government."If someone wished to conspire on September11 - they had a perfect chance to do it in the "editing process" of the crucial video EVIDENCE which was now left at their disposal. The BIG News medias fully controlled the TV flow in the days after September11.
But some crucial BOMB video evidence did in fact get out!
In my video I will show you 5 significant "DUST CLOUDS" from Demolition Bombs exploding INSIDE the WTC Towers.These "Bomb Clouds" were located circa 20 and 40 levels BELOW the "Crash level" of the falling Towers. This means that they are not just "dusty air clouds," being pressed OUT by the weight of the collapsing floors. None of the "Clouds" of these detonations are LOCATED so many levels BELOW the "factual Crash level" of the Tower, at the time they are "Visibly Exposed" on the video clip, that they give full evidence of a Distinct Demolition Bomb being exploded FAR BELOW the "Crash-Point-level."
Certain video-clips give full evidence that distinct Bomb-explosions sometimes took place more than 100 meters BELOW the "Crash-Point-level." (When I say "Crash Point Level" I mean the highest place where the "Static Structure of the TOWER" is still intact during the Tower collapses - at any time. The WTC Tower collapses from the top roof and continues collapsing until it reached the Ground level. The factual level (height) of the part of the Tower which is still intact during the Tower collapse can be measured in meters (at any time), but one must be very careful. One should NOT confuse the height of the falling debris falling OUTSIDE the Tower Facade - with the height of the "Crash Point Level." At the beginning of the Tower collapse these heights are identical.
But after a few seconds the "Outside debris" would have fallen much faster and traveled a much longer distance - than the "Factual Crash Point Level" of the WTC Towers Tube structure would have reached at the same time.The "outside debris" are in a "Free-fall" situation - whereas the "Tube structure and the inner structures" are still exposed to a "composite event." The Tower in general is not in "free-fall" ! This is important - since this should be taken into account when one tries to see through the dust to estimate at what particular floor level the collapse had reached at a given time.
Let me give you an example from the video clip I will present in my video:
When I see a "distinct bomb cloud" being "pushed out" far below the "Crash level" - I will "Pause-stop" my VCR.
I will then measure the distance in meters from the "Bomb Cloud" - to the level of the "Outside Debris" in its "Free-fall position."If we say that this is 80 meters in distance - I will then add an estimated distance of circa 25 meters , assuming that a certain part of the Tower is still standing even though it is not visible to your eye because of the dust screen created by the "outside debris."
But no matter what "collapse theory" you may believe in - and no matter how many floor levels you chose to count in or omit - it is a fact that these video clips give evidence of several incidents of distinct bomb clouds being pushed out many floors below the level of the collapsing part of the Tower.
Watch the video clips and you will see that the evidence is there!
Also the static of a strong "Steel-Tube-Tower" construction as the World Trade Center - would by no means collapse in such a "Pancake collapse" manner - as was the case on September 11, 2001.Remember, that almost every single "Bomb expert" in the world explained to the News medias on September 11 - that there must have been several additional bombs placed inside the WTC.
On September12 , numerous of newspapers quoted several of such "Bomb experts" and "Building Engineers" who admitted that several "ADDITIONAL Bombs" must have been placed and detonated inside or under the WTC complex. The Airplanes and the Fire alone would not cause such a complete demolition leaving almost nothing of the Towers standing.
On September 12 , the Danish "Bomb expert" Mr. Bent Lund said to the Daily (Copenhagen) Newspaper "BT" - "that an estimated amount of circa 1 tons of "Extra high-explosives Bombs must have been detonated inside the World Trade Center complex in order to make the Towers collapse in the manner they did."
Then on September13, and in the weeks that followed, something "Psychological" began to happen. And many of the so called "Experts" began to CHANGE their original and Scientific Explanation concerning the CAUSE of the Tower Collapse.
A period of "Psychological Rationalizing" began to enter the minds of many individuals. Suddenly the "experts" began to speculate in a more "Logical and Political explanation" to the Towers Collapse.
But science is NOT politics !
The Twin towers are constructed of steel - They have No ears - They have No brains. Put another way: The Twin towers do not understand a political explanation - nor would they react to political statements. The only language they understand is the language of "Natural Science." The Twin towers did not feel, that the names of Bin Laden or Mohammed Atta etc. ....... had
any significance at all.The Twin towers never knew anything about the fact that "Islamic jihad" had been heavy marketed as the ultimate "Terror-scapegoat" to be feared in the West - since the first attack on the WTC in 1993.
The Twin towers never asked themselves: "What would be the most logical explanation to our fall ?"
But the "Public Opinion" and the "News medias" react in a much different way. They want to present a "Logical explanation."
And what is "logical" ??? ........." LOGIC " is a very dangerous word!
The "Bin Laden Scapegoating" was well marketed before the September11 tragedy. So basically it was very easy to sell the world the story about the "Wicked Islamic Bin Laden Terrorist" as being the "Sole Mastermind" of the entire terror-attack.
Who else could possibly benefit from this ? (some people asked with a "cock sure attitude" as if they had totally forgotten the concepts of "macro-politics" - or simply forgotten the past "World History" in general).
The truth is that MANY "other types of people" would BENEFIT from this ! (And their name is not Bin Laden)As a matter of fact Bin Laden and the Al-Queda Network (including the Taliban and Afghanistan) were the real LOOSERS of all this. On the other hand the "Financial Elite" did really benefit from the "September11 Tragedy."
The Global NWO Elitists had "Golden Days" in the weeks and months after the Tragedy - as they saw their secret political agenda unfold itself in rapid speed in in all Countries, USA, NATO, UN, and EU etc......Many "Scientists" and "Other Experts" are also victims of this brainwashed concept of "Political Logic" - which always speaks about the "outside enemy," but never wish to look itself in the eyes and admit the existence of the "enemy within."
I know that many "Scientists" and "Bomb experts" have SUBSTITUTED their original and scientific explanation - with a more polite and politically correct expounding of what caused the Twin towers fall.
In the evening of September11 many Scientists and Engineers began speculating on the Scientific causes of the Tower Collapses. But they also speculated in a "logical political understanding" of the "Nature of the terror elements" in this world.
This is what happened in the minds of many Scientists that evening:
They asked a very simple question:
If Bin Laden had already placed several Bombs inside the WTC complex - why would he then risk the hijacking of 4 Airplanes ?
Why would Bin Laden and the Al-Queda Network spend any resources and logistics on the Hijacking - if they had already placed several Bombs inside the WTC ?
The Scientist would now become a victim of his own psychology and make the traditional scholastic and manipulated political error-conclusion, that: There were NO bombs inside the WTC !(Even though his Scientific brain had just convinced him that there were Several Bombs inside - he now chose to neglect this and fell for the more comforting thought: That there were No bombs inside! and that it was only Bin Laden and Nobody else!) But the truth is, that a "Third Party/5th. Column and their Secret TASK FORCE" detonated all the many Bombs inside WTC.
The "SOUND TRACK CENSORSHIP" was conducted in the following manner:
2) Evidence of Corruption of Org. Video SOUNDTRACK (of WTC Tower Collapse).
In my video I will give evidence that also the ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK which was shown on TV had been manipulated in many critical scenes related to the WTC Towers Collapse. I'm convinced that this SOUND TRACK manipulation was made in order to cover up the TRUE SOUND of the "EXPLODING BOMBS" inside WTC.a) The Video clips were often edited in a manner which did not include the SECONDS PRIOR to the Tower Collapse.
Sound travels at a speed of circa 300 meters in a second. Had the original sound been played and shown on TV , then TV viewers would have been able to calculate the distance and speed, and then afterwards concluded that it must have been EXPLODING BOMBS that were giving the loud noise, because the BOMB SOUND could be heard BEFORE the Tower collapse had visually begun.
b) Also I will show evidence that "Distorted Noise" from the "street" and loud noises from "Car Horns and Police Sirenes" were later ADDED to the sound track of the "Tower Scenes" - so that no TV viewer could hear the loud noise from the Bombs exploding inside the Buildings.I will present several perfect video clips from both "American TV", "Danish TV" and "German TV" - which give evidence that "distorted Sound PARTS," that did NOT belong to the "Tower Collapse-scenes" - were infact PLAYED along with these video clips in order to CORRUPT the original sound of the factual "Tower event."
I can be totally sure of all this since I have detected a special Police cars very specific "Horn and Siren" SOUND - and that this particular "SOUND Bite" was PLAYED along with BOTH the Collapse of the "North Tower" but also several hours later when the " 7 WTC Building" fell down (later on in the afternoon).
In reality such a "repetition" of one particular sound bite - several hours later - would be statistically impossible!
FACT: It NEVER took place in reality!
So the ONLY explanation to this scenario is very simple: The video "Tower SoundTrack" was MANIPULATED !
(and all this was done in order to hide the True soundtrack of the Bombs being detonated just prior to the collapse)
In my 4 hour video I will analyze numerous other inconsistencies which took place on Sepember.11, 2001.
Let me mention a few of them here below:MYSTERIOUS BOEING 747 JUMBO JET - seen in Washington:
A "Mysterious Boeing 747 Jumbo jet" was shown on TV as it flew in the sky above Washington on September 11.This special Boeing Air-plane had 4 engines (we can therefore be certain that it was a Boeing 747) In my video I will show a picture of this mysterious Boeing 747.
It was shown several times on TV from September 11 -and in the weeks that followed. I have seen video clips of this particular Boeing 747 on both Danish- and German TV. The video clip with the Boeing 747 was typically accompanied with the following narrator speaking:
"Later that morning in Washington,.... ANOTHER airplane caused panic...............(the picture of the Boeing with 4 engines was then shown).....Narrator:..... But it disappeared from the sky over Washington and later crashed down in Pennsylvania" (Source: "SAT 1" German TV)Some reporters said that this Boeing 747 later crashed in Pennsylvania !?
(But the Pennsylvania plane "Flight 93" was a Boeing 757 and had ONLY 2 engines and not 4 engines - how do you explain this !?).As a matter of fact - according to the Official FBI explanation - all the four involved Boeing air-planes on September11 - had ONLY 2 engines. They were either Boeing 757 or 767 (which only have 2 engines). So the FBI has some problem here !
And what about the "Mysterious Chicago Jumbo Jet" which also was reported on September11 ?
In my video I will show TV Transmissions which made a complete "Flight path diagram" of this Boeing 747 (Chicago plane). But what happened to this "Chicago airplane?"And the Pittsburgh Plane Crash (Flight"93"?) is also filled with inconsistencies. Numerous local citizens reported that they saw smoke from the plane long before crash down. On September 11 German TV (SAT1 and RTL) also reported that "Flight93" was shot down by US firefighters. And the crashsite in Shanksville, PA. is also mysterious.
The size of the debris was very small. (All airplane parts were found as small tiny metal pieces only) If this was the case, how could the FBI then identify the alleged copy of a handwritten "Suicide letter from Mohammed Atta" among the debris?Also some eyewitnesses reported that they had found debris from the airplane as long as 8km from the crashsite. This could indicate that something had happened to the airplane before it crashed down in Shanksville.
Not to speak of the "CNN Newsreports" about EIGHT airplanes being involved in the hijacking !?
And some reports spoke about TWO air-planes which disappeared in the State of TEXAS !?
Could it be that there were several RADIO CONTROLLED Double Planes?
Could it be that there was one extra "Decoy plane" for every single "real DOMESTIC airplane" ?
Could it be that all the planes that crashed into buildings were in fact "radio controlled decoy planes" with no passengers onboard ?
(and that the real planes with passengers onboard never crashed but were actually abducted to some secret locations in USA !?).
Such a "Double plane scenario" may sound a little too fantastic to be true, but on the other hand the "logistics" would be much more simple if the "domestic flights" (Flight No: AA11, AA77, UA93, UA165) were not used for the terror attacks. If they had instead used "double planes" to hit the WTC - they would not have had the huge problem with CHANGED FLIGHT-PATHS of the four domestic planes belonging to "American Airlines" and "United Airlines." The chance of hitting the WTC and preventing the US Air Force in shooting down the "Four OUT of Route killer-planes" - would be much bigger (if they used "radio controlled double planes"). One must remember that one of the most unexplainable aspects of the "September 11- War in the air" - was the total "Black Out" of the "US Air Force" and the "US domestic-aircontrol." In some cases a total "Blackout" of more than 45 minutes - without any NEW flight reports !?Did RADIO CONTROLLED Air-planes hit the WTC ???
(A "Mysterious LAZER Beam" can be seen on the WTC Facade just before plane impact):
Watch my video clip of a "Mysterious LAZER light beam" being pointed on the WTC Towers facade just prior to the second in which the airplane was crashing into the "South Tower" EXACTLY ca. 5 meters below this "Mysterious Lazer Light ball."PS: This video clip was taken by an unknown video amateur, and shown on Danish Television "TV2," but with no comments from the Danish Newsspeaker.(They may simply not have noticed it !?)
The video clip was just used as some standard video-footage. And apparantly no one took any NOTICE of the "Mysterious Light Spot" which suddenly entered the picture an "guided" the air-plane in the few seconds before it hit the WTC "SouthTower."
I have asked the Danish "TV2" to confirm that the video-clip is real, and that their raw-tape contain the very same "light spot."
Also I have asked them to give me the name of the video-amateur who recorded this special video.
(But so far "TV2" Odense, Denmark - has not commented on this. However, TV2 did confirm that the video clip was shown on TV2 on September 19, 2001, but they refused to give me the name and identity of the man who recorded the video clip of the light spot on the WTC facade).(If you have any information about the ID of this person - then please contact Henrik Melvang)
I think that the said "Lazer light spot?" may have been removed from the OFFICIAL "airplane impact pictures" which they showed on various TV Stations on Sepember11 (and in the weeks that followed). Most of the live transmissions and their video-editing process were controlled by a few TV production companies and some of the huge News agencies. The rest of the TV world became victims of this manipulated and biased political and corrupted US-broadcasting-concept.If you look at the TV's standard videoclip version of the "impact scene on the South tower" - you will discover that the "compressed and very grainy colour" in these video clips - could indicate that it had in fact been run through a "PC-Photoshop Software program" BEFORE it was released on World TV.
Mysterious CAR-Bomb detonated at the "STATE DEPARTMENT" in Washington ???
Was this telegram about a CAR bomb at The State Department on September 11 a true information, or was it "disinformation" in order to cover up for some other explosion which they did not want us to hear about ???My video containes much more than this. Everyone who has watched it is impressed by the clear evidence presented in the video.
Den 4 timers Video "Bomberne som forsvandt" (Part1)
er med DANSK TALE (Ikke tekstet). VHS (Pal)
Den koster kr. 199,- (incl alm. porto til DK)
Denne pris er ved kontant betaling.
Hvis du ønsker at betale via POSTOPKRÆVNING er
prisen kr. 240,- (incl porto/gebyr/ekstra ekspedition m.m.)
INTERNATIONAL 4 hours Video-Version of my doc.:
"The Bombs which disappeared"(part1)
by Henrik Melvang
I have prepared a special English "short translation" and "Video index" sheet for the English audience.This "video-index" will be written in English and delivered
on PAPER FORM - along with the Org. Pal VHS.
Also you will receive an EXTRA VIDEO TAPE along with the
Danish version. (You will receive TWO TAPES). The EXTRA
TAPE will contain an English explanation to all the Danish passages in the video, and I will give you the latest NEW comments on the events discussed in the video. All this will be done in my best English, and I'm sure that you will be able to understand the "Empirical Evidence" presented in the entire tape (even though it was orginally narrated in Danish).
ATTENTION: My VHS videotapes were recorded in PAL-
versions only. (NTSC is not available yet)
The Price for the TWO tapes (plus paper translation.) will be:
EURO 65,- (PS: This is a special and very low price)
(Because this price also includes "Airmail shipping" and
"Registered Mail + Postal Money Payment service Fee" etc)If you wish to pay in ADVANCE with either
a Cheque/Check or using "BANKWIRE"
- then the price will be as low as only:
EURO 55,- (if payed in advance).
Please send your CHEQUE (in any Currency £ , $, etc.) to:
Henrik Melvang, Box 86, 6600 Vejen, DENMARK.
- or simply BANKWIRE the amount of Euro 55,- to my BANK-ACCOUNT in Denmark:
"BG-BANK A/S" Denmark:
Reg.No: 1551 Account No: 3285704447.And I will ship the video promptly , Thank you !
Order the video here
*******************************************************************End of report.
The above text was written by Henrik Melvang, Denmark - on April 20, 2002.
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