The Journal of History     Fall 2004    TABLE OF CONTENTS


When the story surfaced of how the FBI withheld evidence at the trial of the late accused Oklahoma City bomber Tim McVeigh, once again we saw just how devious and dishonest the U.S. government can be. But still the "justice" department pushed ahead with the execution anyway. On June 11, 2001 Timothy McVeigh was put to death. Perhaps, the rush to dispose of Tim McVeigh was an effort to keep him quiet? Considering how the federal government convicted and executed the man, even after it was widely known that critical pieces of evidence, and witnesses, were not allowed to be presented for the defense, we would have to conclude that it was they who wanted him silenced. This would be necessary to conceal their guilt, or at least incompetence.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. If the whole story behind it ever surfaces, it would probably shock even hard core conspiracy theorists. For instance, Tiffany Bible was a paramedic called to the Murrah Building following the bombing. Her affidavit reports three important facts.

1. The ATF were not in the building.

2. That the ATF was already putting out a story that the Murrah Building was bombed "because of Waco" only a few hours after the actual blast and before Tim McVeigh was even arrested.


3. That an unexploded bomb was found attached to a gas line inside the building. A FEMA memo also reports at least two additional bombs were found in the Murrah Building.

Again, confirmation of at least two additional bombs which were found in the Murrah Building. Joe Harp, based on his military explosives experience, refutes the ANFO claim and identifies the additional bombs he sees removed from the building as being military in nature.

This statement by survivor Jane Graham tells of three men she saw in the Murrah building garage the week prior to the bombing, and the FBI's obvious disinterest in the matter. Note that the reports of additional bombs were confirmed by the fire department. The suggestion that the bombs found in the Murrah building were just practice bombs requires that the trained experts of the police and fire department bomb squads be too stupid to know real explosives from fake.

But it gets better. The trained experts of the police and fire department bomb squads used trained explosives sniffing dogs to locate those additional bombs, so not only did the devices found in the Murrah building have to look enough like real bombs to fool the bomb squad, they had to SMELL LIKE REAL EXPLOSIVES TO THE BOMB SNIFFING DOGS. Virgil Steele, an elevator inspector at the scene also saw two additional bombs being removed from the building.

Twenty miles away from the blast, seismographs at the University of Oklahoma recorded not one, but two explosive "events" just after 9:00 a.m. on April 19, within ten seconds of each other. The Omniplex Science Center in Oklahoma City recorded the same dual disturbance, the second one stronger than the first. Dr. Charles Mankin, director of the University of Oklahoma Geological Survey, held a press conference shortly after the bombing and told an assembly of journalists that the seismograph readings CLEARLY indicated two explosions. As Mankin put it to the fourth estate, "even the news media reported two bomb blasts initially, but later changed their story."

Video of Tim McVeigh from a security camera at McDonald's in Junction City, cited as proof that McVeigh did not rent the Ryder Truck. "McVeigh had been filmed by a security camera at a nearby McDonald's 24 minutes before the time stamped on the rental agreement, wearing clothes that did not match either of the men seen at Elliott's. There is also no plausible explanation of how he traveled the mile and a quarter from McDonald's to the rental agency, carless and alone as he claims, without getting soaked in the rain. The three people interviewed agreed John Does 1 and 2 were dry.

According to Stephen Jones, McVeigh's former attourney, who has seen the interview transcripts, it took 44 days for the FBI to convince the car rental agency owner that John Doe 1 was Timothy McVeigh. And in the end they did not dare put him on the witness stand, for fear of what might happen under cross-examination." This might explain why the initial description of John Doe I circulated by the FBI referred to a man with "pock-marked skin, fairly stocky" who stood about 5'10", whereas McVeigh was about 6' 3" tall, thin as a rail (160 lbs) and had a smooth complexion."

McVeigh attorney Jones, who worked on this case for years, believed McVeigh was just a part of a greater conspiracy. Why would McVeigh deny a conspiracy? McVeigh hated the government. If there were others involved, the last thing he would do is turn over information on co-conspiritors to those he despised.

Also, McVeigh saw himself as someone who fired the first shot that would start a revolution against a government capable of atrocities such as Ruby Ridge and Waco. He wanted to take full credit for the bombing, and did not want to share it with anyone. In his view, this would make him a mythic figure, a martyr for the revolution.

The Murrah building in Oklahoma City was where all of the records of the Waco Seige were being kept. That alone should raise suspicions. Also, at the time of the OKC bombing, the militia movement was rapidly becoming popular in America. With the outrages commited at Ruby Ridge and Waco, more and more people were beggining to see just what the U.S. government was capable of. Along with that you had militia talk shows on shortwave gaining popularity, and there were some in government that were concerned this movement was becoming too popular. I remember just before the bombing, there was talk about mass raids and arrests of militia groups. When it became well known among militia groups what the government had planned, they had to cancel their dirty little scheme.

Now keeping in mind what we know the U.S. government is capable of, let's suppose they decided a more effective way to deal with the militia movement was to villanize it, in a very extreme way. It's well known that the government had people [FBI infiltrators] on the inside in these militia groups. What if they were given orders to encourage and assist some terrorist act, such as the OKC bombing. McVeigh was seen with several unidentified individuals in the weeks leading up to the bombing. At the trial, these sightings were never allowed in as evidence.

The morning of the bombing, the ATF office, located inside the Murrah building, was conveniently empty. A bomb disposal truck was seen outside the Murrah building just before the blast. Coincidences? The more closely you look at the McVeigh case, the more something stinks.

Gore Vidal, whom McVeigh asked to witness his execution in June after the pair corresponded for three years, insisted McVeigh did not actually carry out the bombing, and hinted he was now close to revealing the names of those who did. "I am about to drop another shoe. I have been working with a researcher who knows at least five of the people involved in the making of the bomb and its detonation. It may well be that McVeigh did not do it. In fact, I am sure he didn't do it. But when he found out he was going to be the patsy, he did something psychologically very strange. He decided to grab all credit for it himself, because he had no fear of death." Vidal maintained this was because "McVeigh saw himself as John Brown of Kansas," the anti-slavery campaigner who was executed after leading a raid into the south which sparked the American Civil War.

Vidal alleged that the FBI not only knew about the plot; it was involved in it. Having infiltrated the rightwing militia group that planned it, it did nothing because it wanted to pressure President Clinton into pushing through draconian anti-terrorist legislation he was refusing to sign. "Within a week of the bombing, Clinton signed it for 'the protection of the state and of persons,' using the exact language that Adolf Hitler used after the Reichstag fire of 1933."

To the few who might be able to see beyond the headlines and think outside the paradigm, Gore Vidal is approaching the truth here. Vidal understands that we are already living under fascism, and is one of the few people who ever uses this word (the real "F" word) on television. McVeigh was a patsy, but not a hero. He is one of their Special Forces, trained and debriefed. I kept asking myself why was he confessing to the crime, or willing to die? Vidal thinks he was just indifferent to death, I think, strangely enough, he may have been promised he would not. Do we really know if he died there?

Vidal said the former soldier decorated for bravery in the Gulf war wanted to send out a warning that the government had been bought by corporate America and "its secret police, the FBI, the BATF, the CIA, etc, were out of control. What McVeigh was saying was, 'The Feds are coming, the Feds are coming'." In his strongest statements yet about the man who confessed to blowing up the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995, killing 168 people in retaliation for the FBI's slaughter at Waco, Vidal described him as a "Kipling hero" with an "overdeveloped sense of justice" who did what he did because he was inflamed by the massacre, the FBI's subsequent cover-up, and the way it "had shredded the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. But he saved his greatest venom for Janet Reno, the attorney general during the 52-day Waco siege, for persecuting a perfectly harmless bunch of religious people and for presiding over the "lies and cover-up" that followed it. "Her mother was a very famous alligator wrestler in Florida, a family profession she herself should have pursued."

With the numerous sightings of John Does numbers. 2, 3, 4, and 5, and the denials of their existence by government investigators, with the statements of explosive experts saying the truck bomb alone could not have possibly caused the extensive damage that we saw excluded from the trial, and with the FBI admitting they withheld evidence, we clearly see a very sinister web of deceit that needs to be untangled.



The Journal of History - Fall 2004 Copyright © 2004 by News Source, Inc.