Letters to the Editor
Thanks Arlene! Happy New Year and hope you stay the same in this fight for justice!**********************************************************************
I so appreciate the letter you have written for Chad. It is absolutely beautifully worded. I love ya girl!
BB in Texas
Hello Arlene,
I was impressed with the letter you sent to Lisa Jones. I have never gotten anywhere with her. I am convinced that Ronmell is very sick and will continue to tell them I don't believe their stories. I will continue to search for people who will also ask why Ronmell is not gettig medical attention. By all means add me to your address book. I am from Missouri.
Yes, there will always be prisons but they could be run with much more humanity. It is against the law for pets to die a painful inhumane death. If I had to treat people like this to keep my job then they could have it.
Thanks once again !!
CB in Missouri