No War Against Iraq
This rally today in San Francisco, CA was attended by approximately 250,000 (local media reported 40,000); the parade took over three hours to pass. It was attended by actor Martin Sheen and several other celebrities including country singer Bonnie Raitt who all spoke against the war on Iraq. The protest was possibly the largest gathering in San Francisco since the protests against Vietnam in the late sixties and early seventies. The protest was entirely peaceful and was attended by groups voicing their opinions on the Israeli occupation, Bush's War on Oil(ooops Terror!), SUV'S (Urban Assault Vehicles), the Cuban 5, the USA PATRIOT Act etc.
Gordon Mc Ardle
Editor's note: This is not a war on oil or terror. It is the beginning of WW III, the last war that the Illuminati want.
a simple message
Bush Warmonger
CIA Who's who
Dissent is not Un-American
Draft Jenna
Emperor's new clothes
Fear US
Sad but true
Stop Bush
Uncle Sam
War criminals
What about the kids
The Journal of History - Winter 2003 Copyright © 2003 by News Source, Inc.