The Journal of History     Spring 2005    TABLE OF CONTENTS

Voices of the Censored and Ignored:
Reverend Colin Chapman
David Irving
Ernst Zündel
Author of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
Dr. Robert John

by Arlene Johnson

"Whose Promised Land"
by Reverend Colin Chapman
©1983 Lion Publishing plc
ISBN 0 7459 2408 5 UK & US
ISBN 0 7324 0577 7 Australia

Page 18-9 "When the Roman Army recaptured Jerusalem in AD 135 the Jews were slaughtered. The Emperor Hadrian now turned Jerusalem into a Roman colony and called it Aelia Capitolina. He built a pagan temple in honour of Jupiter on the site of the temple, and forbade the Jews to enter Jerusalem on pain of death. Although these repressive actions killed all hopes of Jewish national independence, communities of Jews continued to live in different centres in Palestine e.g. on the coastal plain and in Galilee."

Page 20 "In 1099 the Crusaders, Christian knights from western Europe, recaptured Jerusalem from the Muslims and massacred the entire population of the city, Jewish and Muslim. The Crusaders established a kingdom in Palestine, based on Jerusalem, but in 1187 they were defeated and expelled from Jerusalem by Saladin. Although they retained a certain amount of territory, they were finally expelled altogether from Palestine in 1291 when their last stronghold the port of Acre, was recaptured by the Muslims. Palestine remained under Muslim rule thereafter, ruled by various dynasties of Mamluks, slave-soldiers, mostly of Turkish descent, until its conquest by the Ottoman Turks in 1516."

Page 21 "During the Holocaust in Europe, Britain and the USA would not accept Jewish immigrants and their sole hope was Palestine."

Why would Britain and the USA not accept Jewish immigrants? This writer asserts that these governments wanted the world to think that 6 million Jewish people were exterminated in the concentration camps so the remaining survivors would receive so much pity that people would provide them the land which the Illuminati had established for them with the Balfour Agreement which had been signed in 1917.

Page 25 "The Palestinians [under the leadership of Yasser Arafat] have called for an international peace conference under the auspices of the United Nations, in the hope that international guarantees would ensure the security of Israel, the Palestinian state, and all other states in the area."

Why didn't this occur? The Israeli government didn't want it to occur. See 17th edition Did You Know?

Page 27 "The Arabs, who came to Palestine in the seventh century and made it part of the Islamic Empire, settled alongside the existing population...and intermarried with them."

Page 51 "In our country there is room only for the Jews. We will say to the Arabs: 'Move over;' if they are not in agreement, if they resist, we will push them by force." A quote by David Ben-Gurion.

Page 51-2 "Joseph Weitz said "It must be clear that there is no room for both peoples in this country"...and the only solution is Eretz Israel, or at least Western Eretz Israel, without Arabs. There is no room for compromise on this point!...and there is no way besides transferring the Arabs from here to neighbouring countries, to transfer them all; except maybe for Bethlehem, Nazareth, and Old Jerusalem, we must not leave a single village, not a single tribe. And the transfer must be directed to Iraq, to Syria, and even to Transjordan...There is no other way out."

Page 52 Moshe Dayan said in 1967 "Since the return to Zion a hundred years ago a double process of colonization and expansion of frontiers has been going on. We have not reached the end of that road. It is the people of Israel who will determine the frontiers of their own state."

Page 53-4 "Asher Ginsberg (known as Ahad Ha'Am, 1856-1927) was a Russian Jew who visited Palestine many times from 1891 onwards. He finally settled there in 1922 and died in 1927. After a visit to Palestine in 1891 he recorded some of the problems which the Jewish settlers in Palestine were facing and some of the problems which they were creating.

Palestine is not an uninhabited country and can offer a home only to a very small proportion of the Jews who live scattered throughout the world. Those who settle in Palestine must above all seek to win the friendship of the Palestinians, by approaching them courteously and with respect. But what do our brothers in Palestine do? Precisely the opposite. They were slaves in the land of their exile, and suddenly they find themselves with unlimited freedom, and unbridled freedom of the kind that can be found only in Turkey. This sudden change has aroused in them a tendency to despotism, which is what always happens when slaves come to power. They treat the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, rob them of their rights in a dishonest way, hurt them without reason and then pride themselves on such actions; and no one attacks this despicable and dangerous tendency....

We abroad have a way of thinking that Palestine today is almost desert, an uncultivated wilderness, and that anyone who wishes to buy land there can do so to his heart's content. But this is not in fact the case. It is difficult to find any uncultivated land anywhere in the country...We abroad have a way of thinking that the Arabs are all savages, on a level with the animals, and blind to what goes on around them. But that is quite mistaken. The Arabs, especially the townsmen, see through our activities in their country, and our aims, but they keep silent and make no sign, because for the present they anticipate no danger to their own future from what we are about. But if the time should ever come when our people have so far developed their life in Palestine that the indigenous population should feel more or less cramped, then they will not readily make way for us." See also page 274.

Page 56 David Ben-Gurion stated in 1938 "...politically we [Jews] are the aggressors and they defend themselves."

Page 57 "Britain's promises to the Jews were contained in the Balfour Declaration which was a letter written on 2 November 1917 by Arthur Balfour, the British Foreign Secretary, to Lord Rothschild, a prominent English Jew. Since Palestine at that time was still part of the Ottoman Empire, the British government had no authority to decide the future of the country, but hoped to be able to do so after the defeat of Turkey in World War I."

Page 57-8 "What promises were made to the Arabs? During World War I the British government made several promises to Arab leaders in order to enlist their support in the war against the Turks. Some of these promises were contained in letters written by Sir Henry McMahon, the British High Commissioner in Egypt, to Sherif Hussein of Mecca. The following are extracts from two of these letters:

We hereby confirm to you the declaration of Lord which was manifested our desire for the independence of the Arab countries and their inhabitants, and our readiness to approve an Arab Caliphate upon its proclamation...(dated 30 August 1915)

...I am authorised to give you the following pledges on behalf of the Government of Great Britain, and to reply as follows to your note:

(1) That, subject to the modifications stated above, Great Britain is prepared to recognise and uphold the independence of the Arabs in all the regions lying within the frontiers proposed by the Sharif of Mecca; [i.e. the area now corresponding to the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Palestine].
(2) That Great Britain will guarantee the Holy Places against all external aggression, and will recognise the obligation of preserving them from aggression;
(3) That, when circumstances permit, Great Britain will help the Arabs with her advice and assist them in the establishment of governments to suit those diverse regions...

I am confident that this declaration will convince you, beyond all doubt, of Great Britain's sympathy with the aspirations of her friends the Arabs; and that it will result in a lasting and solid alliance with them, of which one of the immediate consequences will be the expulsion of the Turks from Arab countries and the liberation of the Arab peoples from the Turkish yoke which has weighed on them all these long years. (dated 24 October 1915)"

Page 61 "In a secret memorandum submitted to the British cabinet in 1919, Lord Balfour made it very clear that the British government had no intention of applying the principle of self-determination and allowing the Arabs in Palestine to decide their own future."

On page 64 Colin Chapman answers the age-old question as to how long the Palestinian people had lived in Palestine (Holy Land) when he stated "Overnight, the comity of nations solemnly laid the foundations of a new moral order by which the Jews, the great majority of whom had been in Palestine less than thirty years, were deemed to have claims equal, indeed superior, to those [claims] of the Arabs who had lived there from time immemorial."

Page 66 "The British Council of churches Report entitled Towards Understanding the Arab-Israeli Conflict explains how the Holocaust influenced world opinion:

The most significant and terrible action by an outside power which contributed to establishing of the State of Israel (and consequently the Arab-Israeli conflict) was the Holocaust in Europe. It was the experience of persecution of the Jews, which gave the longings for a state practical form. Persecution amounting to threatened genocide motivated the Jews to make a life or death attempt to create a state of their own. The European Holocaust precipitated an irresistible surge of world opinion and support and put what the major powers of the day (though not the Arabs) regarded as an undeniable authority behind the claim to the land."

As to David Ben-Gurion's claim that Israeli is only defending itself, Colin Chapman quotes the following on page 68:

"In December 1947, two British officers and a Jewish official in the mandatory government were discussing the newly published UN partition plan over an evening drink. One of the British officers asked the Jewish official whether the Jewish state would not have a great deal of trouble, in view of the fact that there would be as many Arabs in it as Jews. 'Oh no.' replied the Jewish officer. 'A few calculated massacrers will soon get rid of them." This was five months before the 'Arab Invasion'."

Israel was declared a state on May 14, 1948 at which time certain Arab nations attacked Israel causing Ben-Gurion and others to state that the Arab nations were the aggressors, and that they were forced to defend their state, but here is a quote on page 70 of Chapman's book which proves that it was Israel which was the aggressor:

"At 4:30 the following morning [April 9, 1948] a combined force of Irgen  and Stern, 132 strong, descended on the sleeping village. By noon they had slaughtered two-thirds of the inhabitants. For this operation, as for the blowing up of the King David, the Irgen was acting in collaboration with the Haganah and the official Jewish leadership...."

Colin Chapman quotes Edgar O'Ballance's book The Arab-Israeli War of 1948 when he said  "It was Jewish policy to encourage the Arabs to quit their homes and they used psychological warfare in urging them to do so. Later, as the war wore on, they ejected those Arabs who clung to their villages.

Even American Jewish journalist I. F. Stone stated on page 75 of Chapman's book the truth when he said "The argument that the refugees [Palestinians] ran away 'voluntarily' or because their leaders urged them to do so until after the fighting was over, not only rests on a myth, but is irrelevant....

Jewish terrorism, not only by the Irgun in such savage massacrers as Deir Yassin but in milder forms by the Haganah itself, 'encouraged' Arabs to leave areas the Jews wished to take over for strategic or demographic reasons. They tried to make as much of Israel as free of Arabs as possible."

Even John H. Davis, an American, who was the Commissioner General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) for five years, explained in Chapman's book his understanding as to why so many Arabs fled from their homes as follows on pages 77-78:

"The cause of the panic flight of nearly three-quarters of a million men, women, and children from their homes has been obscured by veils of propaganda. It is only recently that careful sifting of the evidence has helped to clarify the picture. For long, a widely publicised view was that the refugees left voluntarily or because the Arab authorities themselves ordered them to leave, to clear the way for the advancing armies of the Arab States. As General, Glubb has pointed out, voluntary emigrants do not leave their homes with only the clothes they stand up in, or in such a hurry and confusion that husbands lose sight of wives and parents of their children. Nor does there appear to be one shred of evidence to substantiate the claim that the fleeing refugees were obeying Arab orders. An exhaustive examination of the minutes, resolution, and press releases of the Arab League, of the files of leading Arabic newspapers, of day-to-day monitorings of broadcasts from Arab capitals and secret Arab radio stations, failed to reveal a single reference, direct or indirect, to an order given to the Arabs of Palestine to leave. All the evidence is to the contrary; that the Arab authorities continuously exhorted the Palestine Arabs not to leave the country...

What now seems that the Arab Governments, by inept and exaggerated publicizing of Jewish atrocities in press and radio in an effort to justify to the world the impending arrival of their troops in Palestine to 'restore order,' in fact unwittingly added to the panic and confusion in a population that had for years witnessed the spectacle of Jewish terrorists holding the armed might of the mandatory power to ransom and therefore had cause to fear the ruthless efficiency of their tactics.

Panic and bewilderment thus played decisive parts in the flight. But the extent to which the refugees were savagely driven out by the Israelis as part of a deliberate master-plan has been insufficiently recognized."

Some orthodox Jews such as Rabbi Benjamin, who is a former editor of Ner stated on page 85 of Chapman's book:

"In the end we must come out publicly with the truth; that we have no moral right whatever to oppose the return of Arab refugees to their land...that until we have begun to redeem our sin against the Arab refugees we have no right to continue the Ingathering of Exiles. We have no right to demand that American Jews leave their country to which they have become attached, and settle in a land that has been stolen from others, while the owners of it are homeless and miserable. We had no right to occupy the house of an Arab if we had not paid for it at its value. The same goes for fields, gardens, stores, workshops. We had no right to build a settlement and then to realize the ideal of Zionism with other people's property. To do this is robbery. I am surprised that Rabbi Herzog and all those who speak in the name of Jewish ethics and who always quote the Ten Commandments should consent to such a state of affairs. Political conquest cannot abolish private property.

...In the end we must speak the truth. We are faced with this choice: to listen to the voice of truth for the sake of our own good and genuine peace, or, not to listen to it, and to bring evil and misfortune upon us and the future generations."

Selected quotes from Rabbi Yosef Becher on pages 86-87 include:

"The Zionists, who were not religious, didn't know how the Jews lived in exile or how they were dealt with."

"Zionism feeds anti-semitism. It likes anti-semitism, intensifies it, gives it its ammunition to further its goals.

They come to the United States, they go to France and they say to the other Jews, "We are going to save you from anti-semitism,' when in fact they feed anti-semitism in order to get more people to go to their country to replace the yordem [emigrants from Israel]."

"He [Rabbi Becher] recognizes the limited effect of the protests which he and other American Jews try to make against the current policies of the American government: We know that any protest we may make here [Rabbi Becher is in New York] will not get too far, because the American government is helping Israel not for the love of Israel but to serve  its own interests...The superpowers use other nations like pawns in a chess game...

Even though we are citizens of the United States and have the greatest respect for it, we, the orthodox Jews, know that no good can come of such struggles for power, especially when they involved arms aid."

Page 107-8 "Why was it that Abraham left his ancestral home in Ur of the chaldees (near the town of Basra in southern Iraq) to settle in a foreign country? The book of Genesis gives us the answer:

The Lord had said to Abram, 'Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you. Genesis 12:1--3

Soon after he entered the land, the promise concerning the land was made even more specific:

To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates... Genesis 15:18

I am God Almighty; walk before me and be blameless. I will confirm my covenant between me and you... The whole land of Canaan, where you are now an alien, I will give as an everlasting possession to you and your descendants after you; I will be their god. Genesis 17:1,8

Abraham was then commanded to practise circumcision as the sign that he accepted the terms of this 'everlasting covenant':

As for you, you must keep my covenant, you and your descendants after you for the generations to come. This is my covenant with you and your descendants after you, the covenant you are to keep: Every male among you shall be circumcised. You are to undergo circumcision, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and you...My covenant in your flesh is to be an everlasting covenant. Genesis 17:9--11,13

The covenant was therefore a kind of 'package deal', which included four basic promises--with no conditions attached:
'I will give you the land as an everlasting possession.'
'I will greatly increase your numbers...and I will make you into a great nation.'
'I will make an everlasting covenant to be your God and the god of your descendants.'
'I will bless those who bless you, and all people on earth will be blessed through you.'

These were incredible promises to make to an old man without children, who had just entered the land as a foreigner. The rest of the book of Genesis describes how God began to fulfill his side of the covenant--and in particular the promises about the land and the nation."

Page 109 "For many years Abraham and Sarah must have wondered how this part of the promise could possibly be fulfilled, since they were getting on in years and still had no children. Abraham soon came to the conclusion that, according to custom, his servant Eliezer would have to become his legal heir. But God had other plans:

Then the word of the Lord came to him: 'This man will not be your heir, but a son coming from your own body will be your heir.' He took him outside and said, 'Look up at the heavens and count the stars--if indeed you can count them.' Then he said to him, 'So shall your offspring be.'

Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.
Genesis 15:4--6

It was one thing, however, for Abraham to believe God's promise; it was very much harder for him to wait patiently while Sarah grew older and older. Eventually they felt they must take matters into their own hands. So following an accepted custom, they planned for Abraham to have a child by Hagar, Sarah's Egyptian maid, in order to continue the family line. But the arrival of Ishmael only created friction within the family.

In the end, after receiving a further confirmation of the divine promise from three mysterious visitors, Abraham and Sarah finally had a son of their own, whom they called Isaac.

If Abraham now felt more confident of God's ability to fulfil his promise, he must have been thrown into utter confusion some years later when he was called by god to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice. It  must have seemed as if god was mocking Abraham. But this harrowing experience was intended as a test of Abraham's faith. When he proved that he was willing to obey the divine call, he received a further confirmation that the covenant would be fulfilled:

I swear by myself, declares the Lord, that because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son, I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies, and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed me.
Genesis 22:16--18."

Page 149 "The redemption of Israel had already been carried out through the suffering, death, and resurrection of the Christ."

However, in Luke 24:19--24 the bible states that "They came and told us that they had seen a vision of angels, who said he was alive." page 148

Page 165 "Continued possession of the land was conditional on obedience. Since the land was a gift from God, he could easily withdraw the people's right to live in the land for a time if they did not fulfill the terms of the covenant. The northern kingdom of Israel was taken into exile in Assyria in 721 BC, and as far as we know, never returned to the land. The cream of the southern kingdom of Judah was taken into exile in Babylon in 597 and 586 BC."

Page 178 "Chaim Weitzman, speaking to a UN committee of inquiry in 1947, recognized his willingness as a Jew to be judged by the Law of Moses, but admitted that his people were not keeping that Law:

"In all humbleness, thou shalt not kill has been ingrained in us since Mount Sinai. It was inconceivable ten years ago that Jews should break this commandment. Unfortunately, they are breaking it today, and nobody deplores it more than the vast majority of the Jews. I hang my head in shame when I have to speak of this fact before you."

Page 207-8 "Rabbi Yosef Becher believes the idea of a Jewish state goes against the principles of Judaism:

According to our belief we are not allowed to have a state. The whole concept is foreign to Judaism, which is a faith, a religion. Through the prophets and by the will of the Almighty, the Jews once had a state-the First Temple and the Second Tempe-but when they sinned, the Almighty, again through the prophets, declared that they should be disbanded, and from then on the Jews were not allowed to have a state....We believe that the state of Israel is a passing occurrence, a temporary thing. It is one way Satan has used to lure Jews away from their faith. We want the state to disappear, but we want it to disappear in a peaceful way.

We want the state of Israel to disappear in a peaceful way, but we have no way to bring that about except prayer, and we pray for the disappearance of Israel three times a day.

Of course, the Zionists are themselves using violence against the Palestinians. We know they use bombs and kill children and others for no reason whatever, and there is no way to express the way we feel about that, but what can we do? We pray."

"What is the position [of Israel's right to exist] in international law? Israel's right to exist is based on the majority vote of the United Nations General Assembly in 1948 approving the 1947 Partition Plan which recommended the division of the land into a Jewish state and an Arab state."

The United Nations exists under false pretences, so how it could be determined that this vote was legal is beyond all reasonable estimates. The Treaty of Versailles, which the author Chapman states that "the principle of determination [see page 237], which had been affirmed by the Versailles Peace Treaty in 1919" has to do with international law, and ironically, it was what set up World War II enabling the zionists to proclaim that Hitler gassed six million Jews in the first place, a deceit of such massive proportions that nearly everyone, who was alive then and now, believed including author Chapman himself.

On page 241 Chapman states "Although many of the Jewish settlers wanted to settle peacefully and were sensitive to the reactions of the Arab population, the leaders of the Zionist movement, the politicians and the soldiers who have played the most decisive roles at each stage have been less sensitive to the feeling of the Arab majority."

As author of this article, it is not my intent to challange or debate the word of God, only clarify His word. Simply stating Isaac and Jacob as descendants can't mean that Ishmael was not just as much a descendant of Abraham also. God didn't state the descendants must be of Abraham and Sarah. He simply stated Abraham. Therefore, Ishmael was just as much a descendant of Abraham as were Issac and Jacob. And Ishmael's heirs after him.

Moreover, on pages 113-114, Chapman states "If we are inclined to think that God showed special favouritism in his dealings with the children of Israel, we should notice that God warned his people that if they were disobedient, He would judge them just as severely and in exactly the same way as he judged those other nations before them:

And if you defile the land, it will vomit you out as it vomited out the nations that were before you.
Leviticus 18:28"
The Zionists deceived in order to return to the land they covet, so should they be allowed to remain? We can take pity on these people since they have been led astray by their government, and allow them to remain in the land providing they exemplify what Asher Ginsberg stated, as there is no doubt that he held the correct attitude, as did Martin Buber, an avowed Zionist, who, however, differed from other Zionists.

The Jewish ethnicity must begin to acknowledge the Palestinian's existence en masse, and respect them in defiance of their government, as otherwise all will perish.       


The Journal of History -Spring 2005 Copyright © 2005 by News Source, Inc.