The Journal of HistoryFall 2011TABLE OF CONTENTS


Where Do You Live?

It gives me a great deal of pleasure to expose to you about Targeted Individuals (TI or TIs) in this edition. In fact, if there is any theme or a group of people to whom this edition is devoted, it is Targeted Individuals.

You will see numerous stories in the first section of this edition, because these people have endured if they are even still alive, all due to governments around the world who take pleasure in torturing them ostensibly because governments don't appreciate being questioned by their citizens.

I have asked each one of these persecuted people to make my readers aware of the reason they have been targeted if they know what the reason is. But some of the targeted individuals don't know, so can't say. One, who is in The People's Republic of China, thinks that she was just being experimented on for experience.

If you would like to research this atrocity more, please log onto At the end of this edition, as is always the case, you will see the Demands for the Government page. There are demands for the Congress which will greatly help Targeted Individuals if they were to be passed into law. Please print out that page and send it to the Speaker of the House. Those who are targeted will appreciate that, and who knows; you may be saving your own life too since you could become a TI yourself.


Arlene Johnson



The Journal of History - Fall 2011 Copyright © 2011 by News Source, Inc.